that's not true

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Eli's view

As always, I wake up in my room. I hear a knock and then she sees Greta carrying her breakfast. Greta is our maid, but at the same time a very nice person and I consider her my mother.

My mom died when I was 6 years old. Father didn't care, but I bothered him. And so he always took out his anger on me, locked me in the cellar, wouldn't let me eat or drink, just horrible.

"Well, here's breakfast. Pancakes drizzled with honey and tea.” Greta said and smiled.
"Thank you Greta" I smiled too. "Yes, I almost forgot, your father wants to go swimming with you after breakfast, and you don't have to worry about him not looking angry," she adds.

I nodded my head and got down to breakfast, which was perfect. After breakfast I went to take a shower.

When I was in the shower, I enjoyed the warm water running down my body to the floor. I love that feeling. After the shower, I dried my hair with a hair dryer and put it in a bun.

I don't know why, but in our house it's rude to wear my hair down, and when my hair is down, my father locks me in the basement and won't let me eat or drink for like 3 days, and I was 13 years old.

I put on my favorite dress. The dress is red in color, there are not many accessories on it. Just a simple red dress. I also put on red heels and yes, if I wear something other than heels, he will punish me too.

When I was done, I went across the hall to the office where my father worked. I knocked and after a while I heard his voice telling me to go on.

I sigh and go inside. One wooden table where my father sat. The walls were white. No images just white.

Father stood up and motioned to the leather chair opposite for me to sit down. I sat opposite him as he showed me and then he started talking." Well, where would I start? Simply put, the prom is next week because it's your birthday and because you're about to turn 19. So I decided to invite one family because their son was going to have an engagement party here."

Nechápala jsem proč tady ale dobře.” Dobře a přijede i jeho přítelkyně?” potom co jsem to dopověděla se usmál. “ Zlatíčko , to ty si ta kterou si vezme.” Koukala jsem na něho překvapeným pohledem.

“ Nekoukej tak na mě stejně ti to nepomůže” řekl mi a já hned se podívala dolů.”Jo a poslední věc než odejdeš do pokoje . přijedou už ve středu aby se s tebou seznámili a ten kluk bude spát s tebou ať si zvykneš. A jestli mě teď omluví mám spoustu práce” usmál se a já odešla na chodbu a zavřela jsem dveře.

 Jak jsem šla do pokoje tak se mi chtělo brečet ale tady nemůže, takže jakmile jsem vešla do pokoje a zavřela jsem dveře tak jsem se už neudržela.

Nechtěla jsem se vdávat jsem ještě moc mladá na to. Vzala jsem si nůž který jsem měla pod postelí s řízla jsem se do ruky. Dělám to vždycky když brečím.

Středa už je za tři dny . 

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