― ❝There's beauty and there's danger here. Split the ice apart. Beware the frozen heart.❞
―❝ in which the daughter of elsa gets sent to live at the isle of the lost because of an accident and then gets invited along with her four of the vks to go...
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The next day at Remedial Goodness 101 class, Elisa found herself sitting next to Mal and Evie at their usual desks with Carlos and Jay sitting across from them. She was still thinking about her and Ben's moment from the night before, a blush creeping up her cheeks as the memories of their shared kiss replayed in her mind. It had been magical, and the way he held her, the way he kissed her...She couldn't get it out of her mind. She had never felt so desired and wanted, and she had never felt this way about anyone before. But she wasn't sure if it was all just because of the love spell or if it was real. She sighed heavily, crossing her arms on the desk and laying her head on them, not wanting the others to see the blush on her cheeks.
Mal raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "You seem...Different."
Elisa shrugs, her gaze focused on the notebook in front of her. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Evie giggles, leaning over to whisper in Elisa's ear. "She's talking about how you look like a lovesick puppy, especially whenever the prince's name is mentioned."
Elisa's head shoots up, her eyes wide with shock. "I do not!"
Mal laughs, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Come on, Elisa. It's obvious that something happened between you two." She says, giving her a knowing look. "So spill the beans, how did the date go?"
"Children, excuse me." Fairy Godmother speaks up and Elisa is thankful that the teacher had saved her from the oncoming teasing and questions. "Um...As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh...Distance, we've arranged for a special treat." She explained with a bright smile. She then walked over to the computer at the front of the room, pressing a button that then showed Maleficent in front of the screen, her head tilted to the side as she looked confused. Elisa jumped, startled at suddenly seeing the villain and hearing the evil woman's voice coming through the speakers.
"I don't see anything nor do I hear." She backed up to sit back down, revealing the other three villain kid's parents with her.
"Kids!" Fairy Godmother ushered the group to come forward with a smile.
Elisa followed her friends, sending them encouraging looks as they walk to the front. She decided to linger in the back since this moment didn't really include her. But she did think it was thoughtful of Fairy Godmother to include her friends for the Family Day. She knew her family would be there and she was looking forward to see them, so for now she would give her friends their moment. She leaned against a desk with crossed arms, watching with amusement as the villains had trouble working the computer.
"Evie, it's mommy!" The Evil Queen smiles as she waves at her daughter once the computer got working. Evie smiles slightly, trying to show the nerves she felt while she waves. "Look how beautiful. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent remarked.
Cruella grimaces at seeing Fairy Godmother. "Who's the old bat?"