Chapter Three: Wylie

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Wylie was shopping at Atlantis. For what? He didn't even know. He already had everything he could ever need or want. Dad was getting better and didn't need anything. So why was he here?

The truth inside him was that he was stuck. He had worked hard, graduated from Foxfire, and now what? Team Valiant honestly sounded like a little bit of a joke to Wylie- at least that's what everyone else thought. How could he- a graduate- be led by some 16-year-old kid?

But Sophie wasn't the problem. In fact, if not for her, he wouldn't have even joined the team. Wylie owed her- he knew that for sure. She had healed his dad and had always supported him. It could've been a very complicated relationship if she couldn't have.

No- it wouldn't, Wylie corrected himself as he strolled through an almost empty lane. They were practically family. Prentice was 90% of the reason Sophie was born. That kind of made Wylie 90% of a brother. At least he tried to be. She deserved a family- she was kind, forgiving, and pretty much saved the world and was defeating the Neverseen. She deserved a normal life- not one controlled by the Black Swan. So now, Wylie was going to help her- whatever it took- and stand by her side.

So then what was the reason he didn't like being a part of Team Valiant? It had taken him a while to figure it out, but Wylie guessed it was because he felt like he had to do something more. Do something important and live up to the family legacy his dad had left behind.

Wylie bumped into someone and staggered back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry- Wylie?" said a female voice.

Wylie looked up to see Della Vacker staring at him- somewhat guiltily. The Endals and the Vackers had some bad family history.

"Um- hi Della, didn't expect to see you out here," Wylie said, then regretted it. That must've sounded arrogant or mean.

But apparently Della either didn't mind, or didn't catch it, "Yes, me and Alden were taking the kids shopping- you know Biana, and anyway, Mr. Forkle said he needed Everglen to host a private meeting- and this was the only way I could make sure of keeping an eye on her." 

Della glanced at a shop where Biana came bursting out- her arms full of bags stuffed with gowns, stylish tunics, hair clips, and an infinite supply of elixirs and makeup.

Wylie started feeling uncomfortable as he watched Fitz join her a second later with his dad. . . Alden. 

Wylie swallowed. "Anyway, I've got to go um. . . check on my dad, nice seeing you!" He stammered out, flashing a smile before turning around in the opposite direction.

"Wait, Wylie!" called out Della.

Wylie stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

Della smiled. "Have a nice day."

"Oh, you too."

And in that moment- maybe it was Della's reassuring smile or her extravagant simple beauty, Wylie was reminded of Linh.

He needed to go find her.


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