Bonus: Sorry for hitting on your girl

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Originally wrote this as a chapter, but then scrapted it from the book. So you can have it as a bonus chappy lol.

⚠️ Explicit Sexual Content ⚠️


Y/n takes a sip of her hot/iced coffee/tea while reading through her notes. She picks up her highlighter to mark the important information she needs to study for her English test at the end of the week.

Currently, Y/n is sitting in Tweak Bros Coffee waiting for Kenny to arrive. They planned a study date a few days ago, but something came up that Kenny needed to take care of first. She doesn't mind, though. It gives her time to figure out what stuff they need to study before he gets here.

Shuffling in the booth in front of her makes her smile. "Hey, Ken. You ready to study?" Her eyes snap up to look at her handsome boyfriend's face, but she is shocked to see brown eyes staring at her instead. "Oh. Hi, Jimmy."

Jimmy flashes the girl a bright smile. "Hey, Y/n."

Clyde sits at a booth a couple rows away, watching Y/n and Jimmy. Craig sits in front of him, staring at his boyfriend behind the counter.

Craig glances at Clyde's excited face, starting to feel annoyed. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Helping Jimmy get a girlfriend so they can go on double dates with Bebe and I. Since you and Tolkien refuse to take your partners on double dates with us anymore," Clyde answers smuggly.

Craig deadpans at that answer. "You two just make out the whole time. It's stupid."

"Nuh-uh!" Clyde protests, crossing his arms childishly. "We do not."

"Yes, you do." Craig shakes his head at Clyde's stupidity. "You're going to get Jimmy killed, y'know."

Clyde waves a hand in dismissal. "Stan pretty much said he was okay with Jimmy dating his sister."

"First off, I'm not talking about Stan. Second, he didn't say Jimmy could date Y/n. He said Jimmy could take her to prom."

"Details." Clyde shrugs his shoulders. "And who else are you talking about?"

The bell chimes, making both boys' heads turn to see Kenny walk in. He has his hands in his pockets, his bag slung over one shoulder, and a carefree smile on his face. His smile turns to a frown when he sees Jimmy flirting with his girlfriend. 'This fucker.'

Craig glances back to Clyde. "Him."

Clyde swiftly stands up and holds a palm flat against Kennys chest as he walks by. "Kenny, my man."

"Not in the mood, Clyde. Move." Kenny glares at Clyde and smacks his arm away.

"C'mon man, I know you're protective of your best friend, and I respect that. But you can't go around scaring off dudes for trying to get with her."

"Holy shit. Sit the fuck down, dumbass," Craig scolds Clyde, yanking him into the booth with himself. He's getting sick of watching Clyde be an idiot. His eyes flicker up meeting Kenny's briefly. "Jimmy and Clyde share one brain cell. Forgive them for being stupid."

"Thanks," Kenny says, giving Craig a nod of approval.

Clyde gawks at his long-time friend. "Why did you do that?"

"I know you were busy trying to get your dick wet, but how the fuck did you miss Kenny and Y/n making out at prom? I'd be pissed as fuck if Jimmy was flirting with Tweek."

Clyde's eyes widen at the news and he grabs the front of Craig's hoodie. "Kenny and Y/n are dating? Since when?!"

Craig shrugs his shoulders, shoving Clyde out of the booth and onto his ass. "Don't know. Now fuck off. Go bother someone else." Craig gets out of the booth and walks up to the counter to talk to Tweek.

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