Chapter 1: Bonds and Broken Promises

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The smell of burnt toast filled the air as he laid in bed. He scrunched his nose up slightly, knowing that it was his father's attempt to make a good breakfast again. His father was trying his best, he knew that, but his father was a terrible cook. The boy sat up in his bed, did a little yawn, and scratched the back of his head. He licked his lips slightly in his sleepy daze before crawling out of bed and headed down to the main level of the house. Once down stairs, he saw his father by the stove, cooking. The boy smiled slightly and walked over to the kitchen table. He crawled onto the large kitchen chair and sat down. His father glanced towards the boy and smirked.

"Good morning Atticus, did you sleep well?" His father asked as he continued to cook breakfast. Atticus groggily looked at his father before yawning and responded with, "Uh huh."

His smirked again before focusing on breakfast again. He then got two plates ready and placed them on the table. His father then went to the fridge and grabbed a ketchup bottle. He placed it in front of Atticus. Atticus grabbed it and squeezed out the contents onto his eggs.

"I still don't understand how you can like ketchup on your eggs. Your mother did that too." Atticus looked up at his father with a sly smile. "It helps mask the burnt part of the eggs."

Atticus's father chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Smartass."

"Learned it from the best!"

"Ha! Highly doubt that." The two laughed a bit before becoming quiet again. "Before I forget, I do have a meeting today with the other Overlords today. So, I need you to stay in your room until I get back, alright?"

"But, it's my birthday today. You promised we would spend time together today."

"I know, and we will. How about this, when I am done with the meeting I will pick up some cake? Would that make it better?"

"Hmmm.... Throw in a new toy and you got yourself a deal!"

"Ha, a little dealmaker in the making already! Alright, fine. I will throw in a new toy too. Any preferences?"

"Hmm... Oh! A puppy since you won't get me a real one!"

"Alright, I will get you a stuffed toy puppy with a cake. Strawberry flavor correct?"

"Hmm hmm."

Atticus's father smirked and ruffled his hair again. Once the two finished eating breakfast, the two washed the dishes together quickly. Then his father grabbed his coat and put it on. Atticus tilted his head slightly as he watched his father grab his hand gun that he bought from Carmila Carmine.

"Why are you grabbing the angel gun?" Atticus asked. His father looked at Atticus then to the gun. "Because, there's someone that's been taking out overlords left and right. Apparently, we're allowing this, "Radio Demon" to join our ranks. I'm playing it safe by keeping my weapon with me as a form of self-defense. Hopefully it doesn't come to me having to use it."

"Radio Demon?"

"Yes, that's what everyone is calling this fellow."

"Why do they call him that?"

"Um... I will tell you when you're older. It's a bit too... gruesome for a child to know. Now, go to your room. I will be back soon. Alright."



With that, Atticus's father walked out the front door. The porch steps creaked with each step his father took. Atticus quickly ran up the stairs and to his room. I crawled to the window ceil and peered down towards his father. His father always had a confident stance to him. Atticus admired his father for being who he is. Though, sometimes he did hear his father talk to himself late at night with a glass of whiskey. Saying things about, "I wonder how Alastor is doing up there." Or "I wonder if she could forgive me." Atticus knew his father was a bad man when he was alive, otherwise, he wouldn't be down in hell. Then his father wouldn't have met his mother and had him. He did ask about who Alastor was one time though. His father was very quiet about it at first. Then he told him that Alastor was his half-brother. But that was all he would say. Atticus always wanted to meet him. To actually spend time with his big brother, but his father said that he would more than likely be up in Heaven with his mother.

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