People you know to people you don't

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A little girl is in a empty field practicing with a bamboo stick all alone as tears go down her face

Jasmine gasps opening her eyes to see the dark raining sky. Jasmine looks down to see she's on top of a car on the wind shield "oh god..." Jasmine slowly gets up getting off the car. Jasmine feels her back stretching "god..." Jasmine puts on her sunglasses "Time to get a move on this mission" Jasmine looks down at the covered sewer hole "here I go..."

Time skip
Jasmine's in a inside parking lot "Just great" Jasmine shakes her head to see she's locked in

"Well well well..." A woman slowly walks behind Jasmine. She hears a gun click behind "You can stop right there Jasmine...Now Isn't it?" A woman in a tan trench coat and black sunglasses with short black hair has a gun pointed at the back of her head

"Ada..." Jasmine puts her hand up smiling "Funny seeing you here...After all of these years....That's one hell of a greeting"

"You don't seem surprised..."

"We did promise to do this one day Ada..." Jasmine Scoffs "Nice name"

"We were practically sisters...In that orphange might as well be twin sisters at this point" Ada smirks. Jasmine quickly grabs Ada's gun without seeing it and twists her wrist "Damn it!" Ada yells as Jasmine smirks

"Don't underestimate me like we're 9 again...Remember last time"

"How could I forget?" Ada drops the gun as Jasmine lets go

"Why are you here?" Jasmine picks up Ada's gun for her

"The G virus from Umbrella"

"huh?" Jasmine crosses her arms

"What? Why are you here?"

"Same thing"

"Looks like we're on the same mission" Ada smiles

"I guess we are...We don't have the same boss?"

"Whose yours?" Ada asks

"Classified. A government official is what i'll say"

"hmm? I guess I can play that game too...A known person to Umbrella and Raccoon City"

"Person of the law?"


"What do you say Ada? We'll split the Virus and Proceeds?"

"Why would I trust a scammer like myself" Ada smirks

Jasmine chuckles "I'm a woman of my word...Besides Umbrella's very dangerous...From what I hear from down below..."

"They are the ones that caused this mess.."


"We have a deal"

"I'm trusting you Ada..."

"Just a leap of faith there's a handsome officer running around the rpd. Maybe He can get us out of here"

"Where is he then? Still in the rpd?"

"below us as we speak"


"yep. Though he did fight William birkin"

"The researcher?" Jasmine looks confused

"His wife turned him into a monster using the G virus"

"That's everyone in the city"

"No...She turned into this giant"

Jasmine rolls her eyes "Oh great" They hear a metal moving noise

"come on!" Ada whispers as they get of view of the man climbing up from below

Jasmine sees the man from the gas station in a now winter rpd uniform walking up the the rpd locked covered keypad.

Something tells me he doesn't know how to get out

"Damn Need a key card.." The man turns around hearing a growl as the girls hear a dog growling "Gotta be kidding me.." A dog jumps onto of the man "Argh! Get off of me!" The man yells holding the raging dog

Jasmine runs out from the shadows and shoots the dog in the neck as it stops and falls to the ground "Hey!" Jasmine yells in the darkness as man only sees her shadow

"Who is that?"

"Your new friend" Jasmine replies smiling "Stay sharp!" The dog slowly gets up as the man shoots the dog as he sits up. Jasmine walks over to the man as Ada's behind him as he aims his gun at her

"Lower it" Ada walks behind Jasmine with her gun aimed at him

"FBI" Jasmine shows off a fake badge "Officer..."

"Both of you?" He asks

"Yes" Jasmine holds out her hand for him

He puts the gun away "Sorry..Thank you--" He takes her hand as Jasmine sees the dog get back up and shoots it. He looks at the dog "For your help"

"Surprised you made it this far" Ada comments walks off

Jasmine lets go of the mans hand and walks behind Ada "FbI, huh? What's going on here?"

"Sorrys. That information's classified" Ada replies as she keeps walking

"Where you going?"

Ada turns around as Jasmine sighs "Do yourself a favor, stop asking questions and get the hell out of here" Ada walks off into another door

"hey! I'm not done talking to you!" he yells as Jasmine grabs his arm


The man runs after Ada and Jasmine sighs "not a great listener". Jasmine follows the man following Ada. Jasmine walks into the county jail "Memories" Jasmine walks in the middle of the cells to see the man running hearing zombie noises. Jasmine looks to see the cells filled with zombies as she hears that man and another man talk. Jasmine looks around "Man...This is worth more then 6 million" Jasmine pauses to hear a loud screetching and she starts walking toward the man as she hears screaming. "What the hell?" Jasmine runs over to see a man in a jail cell getting crushed by a black hand in the hole in the wall as the man holds a gun toward the hand

"What the hell!?" The man's face gets crushed as the man runs toward the jail cell

"Oh my god..."

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