A Wobbly Morning

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Warning: !!More smut!!

As daytime struck, and light beamed into the room threw the closed blinds, Up woke Kickin. As he sat up he felt a tense pain in his thighs and let out a uncomfortable chirp that woke up Bubba.

"Whats wrong?" Bubba yawned as he looked at the upset avian by his side.

"M-my damn thighs hurt like hell" Responded Kickin who was holding his left thigh with the blanket over both his thighs.

"You don't remember last night?" Bubba replied with a smirk on his face as he sat up.

Kickin tilted his head confused. Bubba pointed to Kickins stomach which was covered by the blanket, and as Kickin lifted it, he saw cum on his stomach, that made him gasp as blush invaded his face.

Bubba chuckles and got up and placed on his trousers, before turning to face Kickin.

"Well ima head in the shower so you should come with, here ill carry you" Bubba told Kickin as he reached his arms out and lifted Kickin carefully and walked to the bathroom, and closed the door behind them.

Bubba turned on the shower head and stepped in the shower, closing the shower blinds as he placed Kickin down and held him up since Kickin couldn't stand up straight by himself.

"If you didn't go so hard I'd be standing on my own" Kickin remarked while grabbing 2 rags for him and Bubba along with some soap, as Bubba held him with one arm and grabbed the stuff from him with the other.

..After the shower..

Kickin dried off and so did Bubba, who was still being Kickins standing support.
Bubba lifted Kickin up and left the bathroom and headed off to grab some clothes. Bubba, smartly, brought some of his own clothes when he was fetching his book, and placed on his sweater, trousers, and baggy pants, as he handed Kickin his hoodie.

Kickin placed on his trousers, shorts, and Bubbas blue hoodie. He moved Bubbas hands and tried to walk, which was replaced by wobbles instead.

Kickin opened the door, and was met by Bobby who was tapping her foot and crossing her arms.

"What.the.Fuck. we're you two doing last night, that led to me hearing your loud ass moans!?" Bobby remarked as her tone grew louder.

"U-uhh just get away from my d-door!" Kickin yelled back waiting for the red bear to leave. And she did just that! Well..after she rolled her eyes of course. Kickin wobbled his way out to the others, who looked as if they had trouble sleeping, which they did, since all they heard were Kickins extremely loud moans all night.

Bubba came out as well by the time Kickin finished wobbling to the others, and they were flooded with questions about what the hell they were even doing last night.

Bubba answered honestly and calm as he sipped coffee, while Kickin to embarrassed to respond. After being flooded with all kinds of questions the others gave up and continued their day, Hoppy knew she couldn't compete with Kickin today, since y'know, he can't even stand up straight nor walk right.

Later on that day Bubba went to his house, and was followed by Kickin later on. Kickin knocked, and Bubba opened the door and let him in, locking the door behind Kickin. Bubbas bed was King-size since he felt like it really made his room pop, so it was perfect for him and Kickin to cuddle in it since that's what they did.

Bubba began to kiss Kickins neck, which made him allow chilled chirps to leave his throat. Those chirps turned into moans, as Bubba began biting Kickins neck, leaving hickeys. Bubba Continued this, and lifted thee hoodie Kickin was wearing and started biting Kickins neck to torso and even thighs as he lifted parts of Kickins shorts up, and Put them back down when he finished, which made Kickin moan more and louder as Bubba continuously bit his neck and thighs.

When Bubba finally stopped, Kickin had a hickeys all over his body, as Bubba trailed up back to Kickins lips, and kissed him. The kiss lasted 6 minutes before Kickin pulled away.

"B-bubba you idiot.." Kickin said looking away as his face covered itself with blush.

Bubba smirked and felt horny hearing Kickins sweet moans, which was like music to his ears. The door was already locked, so why not?

"Want round 2?~" Bubba asked with a smirk, as he stood up and opened Kickins legs.

Kickins face was engulfed by blush, as Bubba opened his legs and held his waist.

"F-fine" Kickin hesitated.

Bubba smirked and pulled down his and Kickins pants and trousers. He lifted Kickin up and sat him down on his lap as he sat in the middle of his bed. Kickin let out a shaky breathe followed by a Chirp, as Bubba slowly inserted into him. Now, Bubba was fully in. He held Kickins hips and moved him up and down causing Kickin to moan loudly. Bubba moved faster and faster by every second, until he stopped and laid Kickin on the bed and flipped him over.

Before Kickin could blink, Bubba began pounding Kickin hard and fast. Kickin moaned loud, and he laid his head in his arms as he rested his upper body on the bed, while the rest was up with Bubba still pounding. Kickins tail wagged, and Bubba smirked as his grabbed it, knowing it was sensitive.

Kickin gasped when Bubba grabbed it, and moaned louder and grasped the sheets as Bubba moved faster. Bubba pulled out of Kickin and flipped him on his back and slammed into him, making him squawk a little, before moaning more. Bubba leaned forward and bit Kickins neck, still pounding along with Kickins loud moaning.

"A-aah!~...i-im...Haah~..g-gon..mrrh!~..c-cu..Nghh!~" Kickin failed to get the words out, but luckily Bubba knew what he was gonna say, and pounded faster.

Bubba stopped biting Kickins neck, and slammed a couple more times before pulling out, and cumming onto Kickins stomach, as Kickin as well, came. Kickin was breathing heavily with his legs shaking, as shivers blazed though his whole body, and he finally let go of the bed sheets. Bubba stood up and walked to the bathroom, carrying Kickin and they both took a shower.

After that shower, the exhausted Kickin put on only Bubbas hoodie and flopped on the bed, knowing his legs will hurt like hell in the morning. Bubbaaid next to him cuddling him with sweat pants and a T-shirt, as Kickin nuzzled his chest and fell asleep.

After another while of Bubba petting Kickins head feathers softly, he too, fell asleep with the chicken.

They unknowingly never realized that all the critters were looking through a Crack in the blinds with nose bleeds and in shock, except for Catnap and Dogday, who were sleeping in their homes.

(1167 words😭)

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