Chapter 1

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"Family, Luke. You promised..."

Luke's eyes opened and he woke with a start. His body trembled for a few moments. Cold sweat chilled his body. It was just a nightmare.

"Excuse me sir," Luke blinked again, focusing in on the towering figure over him. "This is the last stop for tonight. Sorry."

It was a man, in a uniform. Part of the subways crew no doubt. Luke rubbed his eyes. "Yeah sorry man. Long day."

"Tell me about it. Say aren't you that police guy? Weren't you the one that stopped that armed robbery last week without losing a single hostage?"

Luke stiffened slightly as he got up. He winced but he couldn't deny it. He was the youngest in his crew, but that didn't mean a thing. Most of the crew looked to him for leadership in dire situations. He couldn't let them down.

He couldn't let anyone get hurt.

Not again.

"I was just doing what I knew was right." Luke said finally, he waved to the stunned man as he left. The station was empty. It was a little past midnight, and Luke's shift had been almost 24 completely. But at least he could go home now.

He could pretend for a little longer that helping these mortals could atone what for what he did to the demigods.

All those deaths. All that suffering. He caused it. He destroyed his own family. He broke his promise.

The wind blew through his jacket. His badge reflected some of the street light onto dazzling the side walk. Sounds of cars and trucks from the City that Never Sleeps rumbled the night. Luke started the short walk to his apartment. He watched the sidewalk as he went absentmindedly skipping over the cracks like he use to do as a little kid.

He remembered that one time when he and Thalia got bored walking around. They use to do the same thing. He remembered when she'd shouldered him while they were racing, and he skidded across the pavement. Thalia had never looked so sorry in her life. Of course, she didn't say sorry, just that he shouldn't have gotten in her way.

Oh Thalia.

Luke's heart twisted when he thought about her. The way she last looked at him. The betrayal she no doubt would never forgive him for. But she joined the Hunters. She'd live forever. She'd probably already forgotten him.

Even if she hadn't, he was in no position to go and talk to her. He could never apologize. As if she'd even listen.

"Money? Or food? Please sir!" Luke stopped looking down at a kid. He was dirty and tired, still young though. The same age Luke was when he ran away. Innocent eyes, scared and lost. Luke knelt beside the kid. He pulled a twenty out of his pocket and placed it in the boys hand. He gave the boy a tired smile, a reassurance that things would get better.

His heart hurt when he walked away. There was nothing else he could do. He couldn't take care of the kid, they barely had enough room for the three of them as is. It just...hurt.

Luke sighed, his tired eyes threatening to send him into a dazed sleep walking trance. He focused on just putting one foot in front other. To his bed. His sweet little bed, comfy, and total darkness. Oh it would be perfect. And then he wouldn't have to get up tomorrow morning. Oh it would be great. Maybe he could talk someone into making pancakes for him.

"But Annabeth!!"

At once Luke's senses cleared. His breathing hitched. He glanced ahead of him, across the street. A trio of teenagers were hanging outside a tenet building.

"I'm eighteen!" The voice whined again. In the dim light he could see the glossy black hair and the glint of green eyes, "I don't have a bed time anymore!"

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