Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It took longer than expected, to get back to his room that he shared with Hinata. He had gotten a little lost along the way. The unfamiliarity of a new space, its walls and floors all in similar shades of green, and the doors that all looked the same. He could remember the number of his room, but was pretty sure the route he was took was the most roundabout one possible.

"I should have paid more attention to where I was going," he muttered regretting staring at Hinata's back the whole way, rather than memorising the route. He couldn't really remember much of his walk back to his room, his mind too filled with what Hinata might have muttered before bounding away, and how he was going to survive sharing a room with him. He thinks he spoke to a few of the fellow students living in the dorms, but it was more of an automatic response to being spoken to, rather than a deliberate action, their faces just blurring into one.

Hinata wasn't in the room they shared, when he finally managed to make it back, only leaving Kageyama a note to say that he had gone to have a shower. He was somewhat relieved, that Hinata wasn't there when he returned as it would give him more time to think, to process all the things had happened in just the space of a few short hours, without Hinata's presence muddling up his emotions even further. Collapsing on to his bed, staring up at the bunk above his, where Hinata would be sleeping every night. He covered his face with his hands, as he thought of the cruel sweet torture that awaited him, 'so close, but can't touch' as the tears crept down his face. His chest ached, while his mind tried to offer hope, that maybe they could at least be friends again.....maybe.


A slowly, Kageyama moved off the bed realising that he should really go and have something to eat as his stomach began to grumble, pretty sure that he at least remembered how to get to the dining room. Reaching for the door, it suddenly burst open as Hinata came barrelling through it, crashing into Kageyama's chest. He could smell the familiar scent of Hinata's still damp hair, a scent that flooded him with memories and sent stabbing pangs to his chest. He caught him before he fell, his hands moving on instinct before his brain could even process what was happening. He quickly let go, realising that Hinata was wearing only a pair of baggy sweats and a towel that was drapped over his shoulder, drawing Kageyama's eyes down the lines of his well-toned chest. The hand that caught Hinata, could the smoothness of his skin, the firmness of his muscles, burning with the heat of Hinata's skin as it let go. Kageyama's face blushed at the beautiful sight in front of him. Scowling at Hinata, to hide how desperate he was to touch, to pull him in tight and feel his skin against his own, as is eyes continued to drink in the wondrous sight that they hadn't seen for a while.

"G-get some clothes on, ya i-idiot!" he grumbled, while still sneaking glances at him, hoping that Hinata wouldn't notice and that his own body wouldn't betray his feelings.

"Whatever, Bakayama.... It's too hot," smirked Hinata, enjoying the obvious discomfort that Kageyama was feeling. He could see the scowl on his face as he tried to hide the tinge of pink that was threatening to creep over it. The glances that he was trying to unsuccessfully hide, Hinata could feel their heat, their lust as they swept over him.

"Well, I suppose i-i-idiots don't catch colds," Kageyama muttered, trying to keep the anger that was threatening to boil over under control. He was not amused that Hinata seemed to be taking delight in his discomfort, feeling that his actions were deliberate and calculated. It was like he was trampling all over the feelings that Kageyama still had for him and all the feelings that they had shared, as if they had been nothing. Kageyama began to doubt everything that they had shared in the past, 'what did he really think of me, back then?'  Walking out the door into the pale green of the hallway, he no longer had any desire for food, but he didn't feel like staying in his room either, it was too painful, too cruel.

'Can I really do this?' he thought. 'Can I really handle being in a room with him, running into situations like this again and again?' He sighed, knowing it wasn't going to be easy. "Maybe I should just request a room change, after all," as he entered the dining room, his stomach rumbling as his hunger slowly returned.

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