The Village of Remire
So the day this all starts has arrived. Well it was a fun few months, but it was time to keep to my character while trying to possibly make sure those who slither in the dark perish. Oh yeah, if this is the beginning of the game, then maybe my thoughts are. Stop being an idiot Van. Well, it can be a distraction. I'm going to monolog like some idiot.
Well, for starters, I was kinda drafted to help out this world. So, to start off, I woke up in a black void and met Goddess Byleth. She was a possible end for once she and Shothis merged years down the line. Her dilemma was trying to find a way to do one of a few things in different timelines. One of them was to find a way for her father to live. Another was to find a way to save the other lords since, regardless of who she chooses, one always dies. She said one variable that she had hope on was when Shez took a more prominent role, but even that had a war happened. So she thought if she brought another person that something might change again.
I was in a position where I couldn't say no, and to help me with this Goddess, Byleth gave me the body of one of my dnd characters, Vanir. The side effect was that I needed to be in character the whole time. Also, Van had an edgy backstory but didn't act like one. He enjoyed life and only was a dick or mean when it came to people who reminded him of the drow. Oh yeah, Van is an elf, and so am I. Thankfully, one of the many things Van had was an iron mask that hid his face. Van has yellow eyes, which were not very common, so he used the mask to not be found by anyone hunting him. He also went by Iron before abandoning the mask once things happened. One of the things not from Van's inventory I gained was a ring to turn my ears to normal ears. Still, I look like a non native to Fodlan.
So that's how I am here checking all the daggers I have and if they are sharp. One of the benefits I have gained is only needing four hours of sleep. I have gained so much of Van's thoughts and feelings. I'm sorry for putting you through so much. I leave the village for a bit to practice sword dancing. It's one of the things I enjoy a lot. I grab my nice curved longsword that I use for it and go into the motions of it. As I do so, it seems I get lost in the motions and only hear the twig break. The loose grip I had on the blade changes to a firm one as I turn to the noise and see Claude?
Shite, did I have the date wrong? Maybe I kinda skip that stuff on the many playthroughs of it. Still act in character. Thankfully, I barely take off the metal helmet mask thing for now, so my shocked face wasn't shown. Said lord that I has stopped in his haste and has his hands slightly up in a non-threatening gesture. Ok, I think like I should. I can deduce that he was running away from something. He is short on breath, and sweat is evident on his forehead. His garb is neat and has a base that resembles a uniform, and his addition of a yellow cape at least alludes to some loyalty to the Leicester Alliance. One last thing only rich or important people wear capes.
Before I get a chance to speak, the other two lords come out of the forest. They both have their weapons in hand, and I lower my blade.A chance to say this line doesn't come up much, so I should enjoy this. I say “ Come with me if you want to live.” I motion for them to follow me, and they do after a second. Cladue yells while we run to the village “ So metal mask where are you taking us?” God, I hope that's not my nickname from him. Dimitri follows up by saying “ I would like to know as well.” I say “I'm leading you all to the nearby village where the mercenary band I'm a part of are at.” I start to see the village, and I hear the lords behind me pick up their pace. Once we get to the gate, I wave my fellow mercenaries to open the gate.
We all thankfully make it inside, and I see Jeralt heading our way. Cool, they made it here safe and sound. The tutorial will start soon, and everything else will fall into place. Crap I kinda need a plan to find out where those who Slither hide. I can make an easy excuse to the monastery and maybe wait till Kronya is there to take them both out? Cornelia will be a tricky one, but if I get this body to full power, then it should be good. If Epimenides is here, that can change things. Still, this is a good start. Heck, maybe I'm- wait no I have no connection to Sothis, so Rhea will not offer me a job.
I am taken out of my thoughts as Jeralt says to me “Iron your with Byleth. Make sure these three don't get hurt.” Ok. Seems I'm part of the tutorial now. I wonder what my class is? There is no knife weaponry, but I can be a reference to the old Thief class. We all head out. Jeralt leaves to go and take care of the other bandits while we five are left to guard this entrance to the village.
There are a few bandits out here, and Byleth goes to talk to the three lords. After she does that, I see Dimitri head for one of the bandits. Once the Ashen demon herself makes her way to me, I say “If you want, I can sneak up on the bandit while the one in blue battles him.” Byleth nods, and I take that as the go ahead. Wait, did I just give a tutorial talk? So I go to flank the bandit once Dimitri attacks him.
I rush forward and throw out a dagger, and finish it off with a leap to stab the bandits in the heart. I hear his last breath. Another thing I gained from Van is his not freaking out that he just killed a man. Dimitri relaxes a little and says “Thank you for your assistance.” Claude joins us, and I look to see that leader jump up and go to hit Edelgard. Wait, would I react to the time stuff? Before I can do anything, I feel everything stop as this stillness happens to everything.
I then see time rewind back to that Bandit getting up and see Byleth saving Edelgard safely. Ok, that's something I now know. Cladue joins me and Dimitri to head to the two that just got attacked. Before we get there, I see the joking knight himself Alios appear. Edelgard heads to me and the boys as Alios talks to Jeralt. “I must thank you again for your help back there. Oh, pardon me, I should introduce myself. I am Prime Dimitri, but please just call me Dimitri.” I say “Ok. Just call me Iron.” Dimitri nods, and Claude says “Now that's an odd name, but who am I to judge? Names Claude and insert my long last name here. So it seems your boss is talking with the knights.” I nod and say “It seems so. I'm going to assume the knights are here to find you.” Edelgard speaks up and says “ Why would you assume that? I meant to ask why you helped us in the first place?”
“First off, I was able to tell you three were running away from something. Also, it was easy to tell once I saw all three of you that you are wearing a uniform of some sort. Now you three seem too young and too under armed to be soldiers. So the only place I have as a reference is a school of some sort. Lastly, you three are wearing small capes that share color with the three nations of these lands. Oh, quick side note, only rich or important people wear capes.” The three do a little snickering, but it seems Claude picked up on my possible odd origins or at least Van not hailing from Fodlan. He has this look in his eyes that makes me think back to the drow. I say “Well I should head back to the village now. Safe travels.”
I didn't do much at the village. Well, it seems the mercenary group will be gone soon. As I go and back my bag, I am stopped by someone saying “You already packing, Van?” I turn to see one of the two people I have told about that name. It's Jeralt. I take off my metal helmet, and my white hair is freed from its iron prison. I nod, and he says “So it seems me and the kid are heading to Garreg Mach, and I fear I can't say no to what they will offer. The strange thing is those kids asked if you'll join us, and so does Byleth. Can you do one last job for me and join us to the monastery?” Huh? What the fuck! Ok I can work with this yeah. I just nod my head and put my helmet back on.

Fire Emblem Three Houses: Why Me?!
FanfictionSo I'm in Fódlan and I'm my rouge D&D character. So I'm given a task and stuck to stay in Character. Wish me luck.