Chapter 3

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"Zane, you remember about the wedding" i heard my grandma.

"What wedding?" I was confused because i can't recall anything. I turned off the gas.

"Your cousin wedding, its on Thursday" she said sitting on the chair

"Aira left for school?"

"Yeah she did"

"That's why there is so much silence" she said and started to eat food. For few minutes we ate peacefully no talking, nothing

"So?" She asked, and i knew what actually she was asking but still I pretend I didn't got it

"So what?"

"You are attending the wedding"

"No i am not" i bluntly said "you know i have so many work to do and to make arrangements." And when i said this i noticed her face to go down

"I know you are moving to U.S next month and you have too much work regarding that but think from my point of view too, i just have one month with you and my Aira. Let me spend these time as much i can because I don't know if Aira can remember me after she leaves from here" she cried

"Oh grandma don't cry and why you thinking like Aira will forget you plus it's not like i am going to U.S for the first time"

"Yeah it's not your first time but this time you are completely going to shift over there. What i will do without you guys" she cried more, i stood up from my chair and walked to her and patted her back to calm her down

"Grandma, didn't i asked you to come with us but remember what you said that you don't want to go" i said, i know her tactics she is doing all this so i don't move there.

"Now it's all my fault? I was alive only to see this" she fake cried more

"Ahh its okay grandma i will join the wedding but I can't be on the other function as i have some work regarding visa and other paper works to do" and her tears instantly vanished.

"Its okay come directly on wedding day"

"Yes" i replied going back to my chair

"But can i take Aira with me, you know i want to spend time with her"

"Yes you can take her. Okay now can i eat" i said.

"Okay today only i am leaving so you pack all the stuff for her and yeah don't forget to pack some traditional clothes"

"What today only?"

"Yes" and before i could ask more she stood up from the chair

"Okay now, i am leaving, i have a-lot of things to do" she said and hurriedly left

"Zane don't forget to pack her bags, i will come around 5 to pick her up.

I was dumbfounded sitting over there. What? Why is she like this. But now I can't do anything neither i can say anything to her. So i had no other option instead to pack bags for Aira which i did after having my breakfast.

As i was done packing bags, Aira came back from school.

"Dada you packed my bags?" This was the first question she asked

"Yes i did, but how you know"

"Granny told me that we are going in wedding"

"Did she?" I asked and she nodded and i was right she planned everything all before. God only knows what is going in her mind.

"Dada say na did you packed everything and my favourite teddy?" She said tugging my shirt's corner

"Yeah i did, my sunshine" i picked her up "now lets get fresh then you have to eat your lunch"

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