Chapter 8: Tattoo (M)

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Tae Pov

I woke up with the sun hitting my face. My eyes fluttered open trying to take in the light that was shining too brightly.

"Wake up my love," Jungkook called me as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm up you dumbfuck." I cursed at him as I stood up.

"And what got you so moody?" Asked Jungkook.

"Maybe it's the fact you ain't giving me princess treatment after you fucked my ass the whole night." I spat angrily.

"All right my lovely queen hold your horses." Jungkook laughed as he rushed to me.

He picked me up in the blink of an eye and walked towards the bathroom.

"Since you my queen let me be your servant and run you a bath," Jungkook explained as he sat me on the counter.

"Sure thing and make sure to add bubbles," I told him as I brushed my teeth.

In a matter of few seconds Jungkook were splashing each other and popping bubbles.

"Sigh what do we have for breakfast?" I asked him as I stepped out of the bathtub.

"Whatever you want queen." He smiled as he followed me to the closet.

"Hmm then make me waffles with a lot of strawberries and ooh a strawberry milkshake would be appreciated," I told him my eyes shining every time I said strawberry.

"Sure thing my queen." He smiled as he put his clothes on and left the closet at the speed of light to go make me breakfast.

How lucky am I to find a boyfriend that is willing to cook for me and give me princess treatment no matter how many times I beat his ass up.

I walked downstairs to our mansion to only smell a delicious smell filling the kitchen.

"Just take a seat love I'm almost done, love," Jungkook called from the kitchen.

I walked to the stools and sat and laughed when I saw his apron. It was my apron which Jennie got me but I was too big so I gave it to Jungkook.

He whined a lot but I'm shocked that he wore it.

"J-Jungkook you're wearing it?" I wheezed pointing at him while my eyes shed tears.

"Well, you gave it to me so of course I'll wear it." Jungkook sighed as he placed the plates on the table.

"But I didn't think you would wear it." I laughed but immediately stopped as my eyes landed on the food that was placed on the table in front of me.

"Why aren't you speaking? Cat got your tongue?" Jungkook teased me as he watched my mouth water in front of the food that was lying there waiting to be eaten.

"Fork," I ordered without sparing a glance at the teasing bunny.

With a big smile, Jungkook handed me the fork and spoon.

With no time to spare, I swallowed the food in five minutes leaving Jungkook shocked.

"What?" I asked wiping my mouth that was filled with crumbs.

He just blinked as he pointed at the now-empty plates and me.

"Well everyone has their hidden talent love." I smiled as I walked over to the sink with plates not forgetting to peck his cheek.

"That's crazy." I heard Jungkook mumble while I washed the dishes.

After washing the dishes I got ready to go to the beach with my cousins and Jungkook.

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