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Two hours later they'd switched from tea to whisky, which was stronger. The lawyer always made sure to send some expensive bottles to his dad for father's day but the old man never drink it for some reasons, thinking it'd a waste but this time he hadn't said a word just smiled because he's obviously in a good mood and had severals glasses. It turned him nostalgic and he decided to pull out the old photos albums to Jungkook's pleasure and his consternation. The lawyer waited until his dad had his back turned around to shoot his friend a death glare or more like an aproximation of it because with all the alcohol he'd ingested all he could manage was a look of mild petulance.

Jungkook stuck his tongue out, winking. He felt his face heat and hid it behind his glass. Luckily that's the instant his old man chose to come back.

He wielded an album with a worn out cover as he sat back down. Immediately Jungkook scooted over next him, peering over the old man's shoulder as he flipped the album open. Jimin rolled his eyes, gulping down the last dredges of the liquid in his glass.

“Oh look how cute he is with his teddy
bear.” cooed Jungkook, shooting him a sidelong glance. Under the overhead light it was like his eyes were sparkling with freckles of gold. He inwardly scoffed at his own sentimentality and poured himself another drink. He knew he should probably slow down unless he wanted to face down the Kim's attorney with a massive hungover.

He watched the amber liquid swirl in the glass, glistening slightly as it caught the light and it appeased him slightly. More silly commentaries from Jungkook came to his ears but he choose not to acknowledge them. It seemed like his dad and his former bestfriend got along really well and it wasn't surprising because they're alot alike.

He reflected on it for a few minutes as he watched them over the rim of his glass. He knew he didn't give his old man enough credits but despite losing the love of his life he'd still done his best for him. Like his dad, Jungkook was also raising Naeun alone even though the similarities ended there. His mother had been nothing like Yuna, she'd loved them and without the cancer she would still be around.

Jimin hated thinking about her disease to this day. Despite doing her best to appear strong and unfazed by it in front of him, the young man couldn't have helped but see how it had made her fade near the end. She hadn't looked like his mother but a shell of the woman he'd loved more than anything.

His dad had cried a lot the day following her death but had kept goind, settling legal matters and organizing the funeral while Jimin had ressented him a little bit because he didn't look that affected. He realized now how stupid he had been because his dad was affected he just tried to look stoic as to not frighten him.

That's what Jungkook was doing with his daughter. He was trying not to let things affect him because if he did then Naeun would know how serious it all was and she'd be scared. The little girl had already lost a mother even though Yuna hadn't been a good one she'd given birth to her. He couldn't really imagine what would happen if she lose her dad too. She loved Jungkook so much it was obvious how strong their bond was.

He couldn't let them be separated.

He snapped out of his thoughts to find Jungkook's eyes on him. The other man jumped, looking away when theirs eyes met.

“Oh look at the time!" He exclaimed, staring down at his watch. Jimin watched him still, head tilted down in confusion. He picked up his phone to check the time and indeed it was late. Time sure flies quick, he thought as he got on his feet, dusting off his pants at the knees. Jungkook imitated him.

His dad shut the album, looking up. His gaze was going from him and Jungkook before finally settling on him.

“You leaving already?” He asked with some sadness.

“aye need to pee.” interjected Jungkook before he could reply. His dad indicated the directions of the loo and sniggered as he watched the younger man hurried down the hallway. He reported his attention back to Jimin who startled at the intensity.

People always said that he looked like his dad. It used to puzzle him as he didn't see it but as the old man leveled him with the look. One that was errily familiar because he'd seen it too many times staring back at him in the mirror it hit him like a punch in the gut.

“What?” He asked, upholding the look even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. He ran a hand through his hair.

“I've always wondered though your mother probably saw it way before me.” he chuckled softly, getting up. He came to stand in front of him.

“She's always so intuitive. Me on the other hand—" he trailed off, heaving a sigh. He clapped his shoulder with his hand. “You love him, it's quite obvious son but be careful. Don't get hurt again.” Jimin let out a gasp
at his dad's word but the old man had already said his piece and side stepped him to head out. A tear rolled down on his cheek, he wiped it off furiously with the back of his hand. Down the hallway, he caught the mute sound of conversation and soon Jungkook sauntered back into the room holding a barely awake Naeun in his arms.

The lawyer shot the little girl a smile as she scratched the sleep off her eyes with her little hands balled into fists.

They stumbled onto the porch where Jimin's father stood head tilted upward as he stared vaguely at the sky.

Beside him, Jungkook let Naeun down to bow at the old man. His daughter did the same after a second of hesiation. Jimin's dad face brightened as he smiled down at the girl.

He shook Jungkook's hands.

“It's so good to see you.” he said, one hand leaving the handshake to tap him on the shoulder. Jungkook smiled back, head thrown back as he giggled.

“Likewise uncle. It's been a while and I will come back I swear.” he then threw a look at Jimin. “I haven't seen all the photos albums yet.” he finished, rewarded by another eye roll from the lawyer.

“Let's go. I still have to drop you before going back to the hotel.” He sighed, walking down the two stairs after waving goodbye at his old man. The single father and his progeny on his tow.

He tried to ignore the way hos heart raced.

A/N: *I'm on a roll, baby* joking but here is another update

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A/N: *I'm on a roll, baby* joking but here is another update. Specially dedicated to the ones that left a comment on the previous chapters, you guys are stars✨✨✨

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