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In stray kids dorm,

Where Hyunmi, the youngest is always causing chaos, also the only girl of the group, but is probably gay or bi😶, who knows you'll find out.

Bang chan the dad, is tired of his kids calling him old and everyone stealing his laptop. He ain't sleep deprived or sleepy but still dreams abt a noona💀.

Lee know their beloved mum, who also enjoys her kids being tortured but Hyunmi is obv his fav (since youngest child rights exists).

Changbin, the eldest child. Loves to workout and everybody uses his Netflix account. Maybe reasonable, loves to mess with Hyunmi for some weird reason.

Hyunjin, drama kid, second eldest, scared of lino bc he feeds him tissues and eggplant instead of sushi and pizza. Also loves to mess with Hyunmi (why do the elder siblings loves to mess with the younger?)

Jisung, first of the middle child(s), is han (how else do you describe him his name is his whole definition), hyunjin's partner in crime.

Felix, second of the middle child(s) (Ik it's children it's on purpose dude), another one of hyunjin's partner in crime. The sunshine🤗

Seungmin, last of the middle child(s). Savage yes, but, also savage😶 Likes Hyunmi's humour and likes to prank the members (they're in a constant state prank wars)

Jeongin, the second youngest, loves bread with jam😏 always ready to do smth or other that is stupid, Hyunmi's partner in crime.


This story is pure imagination, any similarities to the real world are purely coincidental. I'm not responsible for the storyline that's

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