1. Return

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I was laying in bed while Derek got the girls up and ready for the day. I took a deep breath before our phones started ringing.

"Derek," I yelled grabbing our phones. "It's go time," I yelled. And got up getting ready. When I made it down stairs Derek had the girls at the table and they were eating their breakfast.

"Good morning momma," the girls said at the same time.

"Good morning my loves," I smiled and placed a kiss on their heads. "I know a few girls who have a birthday coming up," I laugh.

"Big number five," Derek sighs.

"I want a my little pony party," Victoria smiled.

"But I want a strawberry short cake party," Lucy cries.

"Well I think mom can manage both of them," I smiled and the girls got excited. "We've gotta get going love," I say to Derek and we both grab one of the bags and began to get the girls stuff together.

We made it to the building and dropped the girls off at the daycare and Will said he would pick them later today. We got to the round table and sat down.

"Good morning loves," Garcia greeted us. "Are the girls getting excited for their birthday?" She asked.

"Very," I smiled.

"When are we having their birthday.?" Reid asked.

"Next week, pending any cases," Derek says looking at his phone. Everyone else made it to the round table and Garcia got up to give us report.

"Alright crime fighters, y'all are headed to Iowa. Three 16 year old girls went missing during a trip to a state championship volleyball game. They were supposed to meet the team this morning at 6 am for pregame breakfast and never showed. Coach chalked it up to them having been up late and they went on with breakfast. When they still hadn't came down from their hotel rooms coach sent other player up to the room they were all sharing. When she entered the room she found blood on the ground and all three girls were gone," Garcia tells us.

"Have they already gone through hotel footage? I asked looking at her.

"Yes they have Mrs. Morgan, on your IPads you'll see a man enter their room, he does well to avoid the cameras with his face. He enters the room and never comes out. The window in the room was left opened," she says.

"So how does he manage to get three fit 16 year olds girls out the window?" Emily says.

"Blood was found at the scene, so he hurts one and maybe he promises to not harm the other two if they follow the rules?" Rossi says as a question.

"Wheels up in 30," Hotch says and we all get on the move.

We were in the air for about an hour before Garcia called. "Talk to me baby girl," Derek says answering the phone.

"Anything for you handsome," she reply's and I smiled. "One of the girls, Mia chaplins body was discovered a mile from the hotel. She was stabbed once and bled out," she says.

"So he harms Mia and they all go through the window down the fire escape and she bleeds out from the stab wound causing him to leave her behind," Reid says.

"Which could say he doesn't know what he's doing. Stabbed her in the wrong place and didn't know she'd bleed out." I say.

"So my question is does he need a third? Is he gonna find someone to replace Mia?" Emily asked.

"Alright as soon as we land Reid and Y/N go to the body, Morgan and JJ the parents will be landing soon I want y'all to meet with them. Emily and Rossi go to the hotel." Hotch says.

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