(9) - Homebound -

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MOFFAT WAS a small town on Mirea's eastern coast known for two things: cheese, and a human population outnumbered by goats three to one. It was no surprise then, when the Celes dropped anchor along a secluded beach, and Sebbi took his first steps inside the town's borders that the roads were speckled with goat feces, the stench of wet fur clung to the air like a thick, unforgiving blanket, and the few spaces not occupied by braying goats were filled with cheese vendors offering samples of their finest works.

Stalls were full of glistening cheese wheels, sharp wedges, and platters of thinly sliced cheeses paired with spiced fruits, fresh marmalades, and cured, smoked meats. There were cheeses flecked with gold, splattered with honey, infused with coffee and cocoa and regional teas.

No wonder Margo always talked about visiting someday.

Sebbi hoped she would, hoped they all would. Alive, safe, happy and together.

The crew of the Celes, save Red, had gone on before him, securing rooms at the only inn, aptly named, The Curd. On the porch, a young, red-haired boy grimaced while shoveling goat poop from the steps.

Red frowned. "I've had to clean up messes, don't get me wrong, but this–" His nose crinkled, the beads laced throughout his beard, clinking together. "This is something else." He watched the lad, attending to his duties with pity in his eyes.

"Weren't you raised in a crowded orphanage?" Sebbi noticed Red holding his breath, the man's cheeks turning crimson as his brow wrinkled with his struggle.

Red wheezed. "Sure. Stank in the hot months. But this," he nodded toward the inn, the Wizard Kellog stepping onto the porch. The older Wizard smiled, and casually stepped around a goat who was in the process of making more work for the red-haired boy. "Body stink is nothing  compared to this."

"Afraid our ship's mechanic has quite the delicate nose." Captain Daphne strode over to them, first mate Nugura an extra shadow at her side. The two women had left to peruse the cheese stalls. The captain came back empty-handed, but to Sebbi's surprise, Nugura carried a bulging brown bag.

Red's frown worsened. He raised an arm, and scratched the back of his neck. "It's not that...I just..." Sebbi thought he heard a tremble in Red's voice. "Well, you all can't be unbothered by the stench." His eyes searched for an agreeing soul amongst them. 

Captain Daphne just chuckled.

Nugura reached into her bag, pulled out a wedge of white cheese and plopped it in her mouth. "Grew up on a farm." She bit down, severed cheese strings dangling limply from her lips.

"I've spent my fair share of time in dungeons," added Captain Daphne. "Nothing about them ever smells pleasant."

Red's gaze darted to Sebbi's. Sebbi was his last resort. But Sebbi, too, had smelled worse. Wet fur, sweat-slicked fur. Blood. Death. He shook his head and Red's face fell.


They turned. The Wizard Kellog tapped his toes on the Curd's porch, pointing at a poster tacked to the inn's message board. "Look here!" A grin spread across his face. He stood a little straighter, seemed to stretch a little taller. "Hand-drawn, captures me perfectly." Sebbi squinted to make out the poster. It was indeed of the Wizard Kellog, advertising one of his magickal performances. The Wizard was in his signature cornflower blue suit, paired with a long, flowy matching blue scarf, studded with stars. "The lines, the angle of my jaw, the correct skin tone." He clapped his hands together, perfectly elated. "They even got the proper blue." He explained further that cornflower blue was a hard shade to obtain, as it didn't occur in nature. One had to mix the correct pigments, in precise amounts to achieve it. The work was laborious, though the outcome, he insisted, was exquisite. 

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