(23) - The Many Gifts of Magick -

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THEY STEWED in silence, the sweltering humidity of a city besieged by the sun slicking skin and pasting hair to foreheads.

Lucy was absolutely undone by the heat, a sagging, sopping mess of tired limbs sprawled out on the Wizard's couch. In contrast, Sebbi sat stock-straight, shoulders back, as though the Wizard's chair was no more than a sharp spring with a vendetta against his backside. Sweat meandered down his skin, but he didn't dare move to swipe it away. His shirt collar was soaked, a small lake forming in his lap.

Margo leaned on Abby, or perhaps, it was the other way around. Without Margo though, Abby knew she was sure to topple.

The Wizard Kellog had declared himself the Dusk Stag. And Abby ought to have believed him.  The horns on his head upon which danced golden flames ought to have been proof enough. But still, it was all a bit too hard to believe.

"You do not think me capable then of being a creature of such immense magick?" 

There was a lilt to the Wizard's voice when he spoke, his words accompanied by a slanted smile. His eyes were like suns, emanating warmth and mirth, and a smidge of mischief.

"You're very capable," piped up Margo. She shifted in her seat, her sweat-heavy curls, swaying instead of doing their normal springing.

The Wizard nodded. A crown of stars encircled his head. "Then what has you awestruck? You have found your missing piece. Once I am returned to my sister's side, magick will be restored."

Abby blinked. Could it really be that easy? For magick to be saved without further sacrifice? That the end of their journey would be marked by a posh yet chaotic office and perhaps the greatest Wizard of all time?

She'd gone on this trip to meet the Wizard Kellog and obtain an autograph or two, and true, there had been the notion to use his connection to obtain information on the Stag, but she never thought anything like this would occur. That after everything, The Wizard would be the stag, their problems seemingly over.

"It's unbelievable," Abby said finally, her eyes darting to her hands. She squeezed her shirt, drops of sweat wrung from the fabric.

"And why's that?" 

"It's all so easy. Too easy."

"Has it been easy, your journey?"

Her eyes flicked up to meet the Wizard's. He leaned forward, elbows on his desk. A parchment nearest his horns caught fire. With a snap of his fingers, the Wizard extinguished it. "From what I gather, you've all had quite the time of it. Losing family and loved ones." His eyes roamed over Abby and Margo. The mouse-wizardess tensed and Abby gripped her arm, squeezing it gently. Margo flashed a quick smile her way. "Dying." He turned to Sebbi, who slumped his head. "Being king, a heavy burden for anyone to shoulder." At this, Lucy popped an eye open, tension making his muscles stiffen. "Trial after trial, and yet you all persisted. You all triumphed. Why should I be hidden somewhere far away? Why should I imperil you more than you've already been? Why should I put up a fight?" He slumped back in his chair, and crossed his legs. "I imagine, I am as tired as you all are. And I desire nothing more than to see my sister again." He glanced at his hand, a star hovering over his palm. "She and I, we each are halves. Reunited, we will be whole. I ache to be whole."

Still, Abby had trouble believing everything would just end. Magick would be saved. And then what? She would go back to her plant shop, creating alchemic failures and selling them as curses for love-spurned young women? What of Sebbi? Where would he go? Back to Aelurus?

Her chest tightened at the thought.

The Wizard rounded his desk, the air around him glimmering like a mirage. Parchment edges curled as though stung by his heat, book covers sweltered, their inked titles beginning to run. Where ever his feet landed, something burst into flame, which, like the small fire on his desk, he quickly put out. 

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