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I tried going after Eliana but it was no use.
She's a fast runner, she would always get praised for it.

I wonder why she didn't keep playing, she really did have great talent.

What I mean by that is that WE use to play for La Masia together when we where kids.

She quit but never told me why. We were so close, super close.

She also never really told me she quit, she just stopped talking to me.

At first I was kinda upset, I mean who wouldn't? Just leave your close friend?

She still went to the my matches because she was ( still is) close to Fermín.

I always wondered why she was in La Masia and not Pedri.

Oh well.

My phone was buzzing, it was 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢.

Shit. He's calling.

I answer anyway, he'll worry if I don't answer.

"I'm on my way home, you and Eliana better have made up"

I froze.

Eliana left a while ago and she hasn't came back, I can't call her because I don't have her number.

The hell do I say. 'Yeah I let your sister runaway and I don't know where she is.'

Pedri will kill me.

"Pablo. Estás bien?"

I couldn't speak. I tried but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Eliana- she left. Pepi im sorry I couldn't stop her. I don't know where she is, I tried getting her number but nothing. Pepi porfa, perdóname."


"Pablo.", he said in distress.

I can tell he was trying to hold it in, I mean I would be mad too if my best friend let my sister runaway.

"Okay, I'll be home in a minute, literally a minute"

He hung up with that.

At this point, I'm scared because he's sort of calm. Well, he is always calm, he never takes it out on people, I might.

Pedri then came bursting through the door

"Donde está mi hermana!?", he is obviously in distress.

"I don't know Pepi, I know she's safe, she couldn't have gone that far."

She probably went far, knowing Eliana, she probably doesn't pay attention to where she goes, well she does but she CAN zone out at times.

Pedri is now on the phone with close family and friends to see if she had gone with them.


1 hour later...

Pedri has called everyone. I mean everyone.

Though, I still think he missed some people. The next thing you know...

Eliana walks in.



I opened the door and walked in with Kounde,
Just to see Pepi and Pablo pacing around, both in their phones sounding desperate.


Kounde and me looked at each other in a 'uh oh' look.

They both finally realized that I was behind them.
Pedri immediately wrapped his arm around me. I feel so bad, I made him worry.

I hate seeing Pedri hurt in any kind of way. I see Pablo scratching the back of his head while looking around.

I know he feels bad in some kind of way...I guess.


There we go, he feels guilty.


When Pedri let go of me, he walked over to Kounde.

"Gracias por estando con ella.", Pedri nodded at Kounde and Kounde nodded at Pedri.

"Can you tell me where you were?", Pedri finally turned to me.

I know I owe him an explanation and I'm not going to just blame it on Pablo.

If I had just paid attention, I would have never been in the situation.

"I walked out on Pablo and didn't pay attention to where I was walking to, I then ended up in a part of town that I have never been to.", I sigh in relief knowing that it kinda was my fault.


It was now 12 in the morning; midnight.

I was in my room scrolling through my phone when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in?..", I was kind of clueless since Pedri was asleep.

Then..Pablo walked in. What is he still doing here? I thought he went home hours ago.

I was about to open my mouth to say something to him, but he beat me to it.

"Look." He started and then sat on the edge of the bed. I was on my back and had my knees up.

I gave him a confused look and he shot me back with one too.

"Oh Pablo. What for.", "Everything I guess", he looks down at his hands.

"I still don't know for what but I'm sorry too.", I then rest my legs on his lap.

"I don't know either but I'll take it.", he says while he starts rubbing circles on my calf with his thumb.

His phone starts buzzing like crazy, holy shit who the fuck wants him that bad.

"Who is it?", I asked because literally his phone went crazy.

"Mi novia.", I looked at him confused.

Gilfriend? Pablo Gavi having a girlfriend?
I ALWAYS know about stuff like this.

"Well I have to go", with that, he left.


7:00 am

I woke up to get ready to go to the boys training,
Like actually.

I chose a somewhat classy outfit.


An: I will comeback for spelling errors and the next chapter will be Friday:)


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