20 Years Later...

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Branch: Look at them, guys, that's gonna be us out there someday, I just know it.

Clay: I can't wait.

John Dory: Yeah, me too.

🎶All for one, all men in honor, hear my call Musketeers sing all for one and one for all, all for one, hey, all for one and one for all, all for one and all for one and all for one and all for one and all for one and all for one and all.....🎶

Narrator (me): ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!!!


Branch: Yes sir, janitors today, Musketeers tomorrow!

Floyd: *gives Branch his vest*

Branch: Hey, my lucky vest, thanks, Floyd, remember when the Musketeers gave me this vest, guys? They even autographed it, see? I can't wait to be a great big hero! *head gets knocked by a mop* OW! CAREFUL, CLAY!

Clay: Sorry, Bitty B, I can't wait to be a Musketeer either, cause I've got plenty of good ideas, the Musketeers could use a smart guy like me.

(Narrator (me): You literally made the floor messier than it already is 😑)

Branch: Hey, Flo, John, how about you guys?

John Dory: Are you kidding? Musketeers need guys like me that are brave!

Bruce: Yeah, and they need guys that are brave too.

John Dory: That's what I said, brave...

pipe shakes

Floyd and John Dory: *runs behind Bruce*

Bruce: 😑

Floyd and John Dory: 😅

Upstairs in the bathroom...

Captain Crank (From TTOTB): Yes sir, yes sir, yes siree, I've been looking forward to this all month!


Clay: Maybe I can sand it out!

Branch accidentally sands out a boot, then rips out the bottom of another boot and tries to stick it together, but it falls off.

Branch: *tries to reach for glue* Almost...

The pipe burst when Branch accidentally spins the wheel and then John Dory who was holding on to the pipe goes flying.


Back in the bathroom...

Captain Crank: A, i'M aDoRaBlE, B, i'M sO bEaUtIfUl...*shower stops* wha?

Back with the chaotic Bros...

John Dory (for some reason) is fighting the pipe, while Bruce tries to help Clay clean up the mess with a vacuum thing (I honestly don't know what it is), and Floyd tries to help Branch out so he can get the glue.

Branch: Almost...got it.

Clay: WOAH!!!

Clay bumps into the wall and the glue falls but Branch jumps and catches it

Branch: I GOT IT!

After A LOT of chaos...

Branch: Oh! Captain Crank!

In the in D U N G E O N...

Crank: Now listen you yard-sticks! I am sick and tired of your screw ups! You guys are hopeless, I leave you here for five minutes and I come back to disaster!

Bruce: Well, we were practicing our teamwork so we can be good Musketeers.

Crank: Musketeers? *maniacal laughter* that's priceless.

Floyd: But we could work really hard and prove ourselves Captain Crank, THEN would you let us be Musketeers?

Crank: Well there's just five things wrong with that: One! *gestures to Floyd as he flinches* You're a coward! Two! *gestures to a motionless John Dory and listens through his ear*

Telephone Voice: We're sorry, the number you've reached is disconnected

Crank: You're a doofus. Three! *gestures to Clay who stares him dead in his face as if daring him to say something smart* you're creepy. Four! *gestures to Bruce and laughs* you have more BRAIN than brawn! And as for YOU, you're just too small, why I wouldn't have you yahoos as Musketeers even if you were the last recruits in all of my high beloved Pop Village! So you won't need THIS, will you? *balls up Branch's vest and gives it back to him* Here, kid, have a ball!

At The Pop Castle...

Poppy: He loves me, he loves me...a lot! He loves me, He loves me...EVEN MORE! He loves me...

Boom: Pardon me, Your Highness, you're kind of mangling that flower, who's the lucky guy?

Poppy: My one true love! I'll find him someday, he's out there I just know it. 🥰~

Brandy: This fantasy man, do you happen to know if he's royalty?

Poppy: Does it matter?

Boom: Well, as you know, someone of your royal stature must be courted by a gentleman of royal blood.

Poppy: What a royal pain 😑

Delta: Your Highness, you're gonna have to pick someone sooner or later, I mean tick-tock, huh?

Poppy: Girls and Boom, I can't pick someone I'm not in love with.

Delta: You want love? Buy a dog. Besides the perfect guy isn't gonna just walk through that door, and even if he does, how are you gonna know HE'S the one?

(Narrator (Me): She's Poppy, she ALWAYS knows!)

Poppy: Oh, I'll know, just imagine, he'll stride into the room, a light will glow from him, I'll hear music, he'll bring me flowers, he'll sweep me off my feet, and I'll know he's the one, when he makes me laugh 🥰

(Narrator (Me): Okay, that sounded oddly specific 😐)

Boom: Your Magesty, forgive me for saying so, but that sounds....just lovley.

Poppy: Trust me, guys, I'll know him when I see him.

Boom: Excuse me? Your Grace?

Poppy almost gets crushed by a giant safe.


Poppy: 😡

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