Getting Hired

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 Musketeers: (chanting) All for one, all men of honor, hear the call Musketeers sing all for one and one for all!

Crank: Your highness, so glad you could grace us with your royal omnipresences.


Crank: Oh...

Poppy: MUSKETEER bodyguards!

Musketeers: (chanting) Villains, bad guys run in fear when they see us Musketeers, saving Poppy is our duty, mess with her, we'll kick your- *grunt* 

Crank: Ouch, bodyguards, let me check my schedule here. How about next Thursday? 

Poppy: How about in 10 minutes? At the palace! Get me bodyguards, Captain Crank!

Meanwhile with the Bros, they're trying to raise up a plank that they're standing on, and Clay and Floyd keep pulling really fast.

Clay and Floyd: (nervously) 🎶Pancakes, cornflakes, scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and apple jam, tonight's it's meat, I hope it's spam...🎶

Bruce, Branch, and John Dory: GUYS, SLOW DOWN! 

Crank then gets an idea, an AWFUL idea, Crank gets a WONDERFUL AWFUL idea.

Crank: Princess, you're in luck, have I got the men for you.

Poppy: Well, I hope so, thanks to YOUR incompetence, this whole thing has been a pain in the neck!

(Narrator (Me): PREACH!!!)

Crank: I'll show YOU pain in the neck *pretends to strangle her with his fingers*

Later with the Bros...

Floyd: Hey Branch, don't worry about what Captain Crank said, cheer up, I'm sure there's some way we can become musketeers.

Clay: We can?

Bruce: Floyd's right, we can prove Crank's wrong about us, if we work hard and stick 2gether.


Branch: You really think so?

Floyd: Hey, have we ever let you down? Well, have we? Have we? Have we?

Branch: No!

John Dory: Yeah, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, Captain Crank's gonna march in here and say-

Crank: -CONGRATULATIONS, BOYS!!! You passed the test! I've been watching you five, and I'll tell you what, you guys have got what it takes to be musketeers!

Branch: Really? You mean it?

Crank: Cross my heart!

Branch: Woah, hey, guys! We're gonna be musketeers! 

Clay and Floyd: MUSKETEERS?!

Bruce and John Dory: MUSKETEERS?! 

After the boys got in their uniforms...

Floyd: I knew we had what it takes!

Clay: Cause we're clever!

John Dory: And brave!

Branch: And together, we are gonna be GREAT heroes, what do you say, bros? All for one...

John Dory:-AND TWO FOR TEA!!! *stabs through Crank's hat*

Crank: Yeesh...

Floyd: Well, uh...we'll work on it.

Back at Pop Castle...

Crank: Hup, deux, trois, quarte, hup, deux, trois, quarte, hup, deux, trois quarte. Company halt! Stay here while I'll schmooze Princess What's-Her-Name.

(Narrator (Me): IT'S POPPY)

Branch: Wow, this is it, guys, this is what we've been waiting for all our lives. Now, when these doors open, we've got to make a GREAT first impression! 

Bruce: Okay, remember, boys, we're on duty and this place could be crawling with bad guys...

Floyd: BAD GUYS?! 😰

Bruce: So stay alert!

Floyd: (to Clay) You heard him, stay alert!

Clay: Aye aye, sir!

Clay gets into a random fight with a fake knight.

Branch: CLAY!



Crank: Your Royal Highness, I have never, ever, had a more highly skilled group of gentlemen than the individuals which I present you today...

Delta: Seems like this is gonna take awhile, I'll go get you a little snack.

Crank:..It took my highly trained eye to see their true potential.

Poppy: Yes, well, Pop Village thanks you and your eye very much.

Crank: Well, then it is without further ado, I present, for your complete safety, and protection...your musketeers!

Poppy then confusingly stares at the five brothers who are trying to put the knight statue back together, Crank then gestures them to salute, when the do so and the statue falls down and shows Branch, they start to lovingly stare at each other

Poppy's Mind 💭: Just imagine, he'll stride into the room, light will glow from him, I'll hear music, he'll bring me flowers, and he'll sweep me off my feet and I'know he's the one when he makes me laugh...

Branch: (with Delta's voice) Your Majesty, it's time to cut the cheese.

Poppy snaps out off her fantasy

Poppy: What?

Delta: Here we are, Roquefort, anyone?

Clay: KNIFE!!!

Floyd: BAD GUY!!!

John Dory: GRAB HER!!!

Delta gets jumped by chaotic bros

Poppy: Unhand her, release her, stop it! SHE IS MY LADY-IN-WAITING!

(Narrator (Me): 🤦)

Crank: You'll have to forgive them, they're like a well-oiled machine that's wound just a little too tight.

Branch: We're sorry, Your Grace, we thought she was a villain.

John Dory tries to flirt with her but fails.

Delta: Yeah, I don't think so 😒

Poppy: Oh, I see, well I feel safer already 😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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