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Sorry for the late post..

Johnnies pov:

After grabbing some water and Tylenol for Jake I walked to his room and I saw him with his face in his hands.

I walk over and set the water down and then I open the Tylenol bottle shaking out 2 white pills.

"Here" I say setting the bottle down and grabbing the water in one hand and holding the pills in the other.

Jake looks up at me and grabs the water and pills.

He puts the pills in his mouth then taking a sip of the water.

"Good" I say then sitting beside him turned slightly to face him.

"So. Tell me" I say starting the conversation.

"Uhm." He said nervously.

"We don't have to talk about it tonight, we should both get some sleep okay?" I say standing up and looking down at him as he sat on the bed looking at the ground.

"Before you go, can I ask a question...johnnie? " He said.

He started to fidget with his fingers, he then looked at me.

"What was that red stuff on your jeans?" He asked.

My heart dropped.

"Nothing. Goodnight Jake" I say turning around quickly and leaving closing the door.

My heart rate continued to speed up.

I go to my room closing the door and locking it.

"Shit." I said now realizing what's going on.

It all makes sense now.

He probably talked to Tara about my Jeans and Tara got jealous maybe that he was voicing concerns.

Fuck dude.

It all makes sense now.

"Fuck" I say aloud running my fingers through my hair.

I hear a buzz

I grab my phone and it's a message from Jake.

Jake🤘🏻: You know, you can't just do that, leave after I ask a serious question. I'm worried about you.

Me: it's just fake blood

Jake🤘🏻: come on don't be like that

Me: Jake you should sleep, it's been a long night.

Jake🤘🏻: I need to know if you're okay.

Me: I am

Jake🤘🏻: words on a screen isn't enough.
I need to KNOW that you are okay, Johnnie.

Me: Jake I'm fine. I'm sure you can put two and two together to realize why they were bloody.

Me:It's okay.

Me:I'm okay.

Me:I know ur concerned but it's all fine

Jake🤘🏻: can we please just talk about it?

Me: in the morning

Jake🤘🏻: fine.

Me: sleep soon okay?

Jake🤘🏻: I can't

Me: how come?

Jake🤘🏻: I can't stop thinking about you.

Me: for fucks sake, come on.

Jake🤘🏻: I really just want to talk about it now.

Jake🤘🏻: I'm super worried about you

Me: I'm not dead so I'm good.

Jake🤘🏻: did you at least treat/clean them well?

Me: Ig so? Idk I just wrapped them.

Read  -Jake🤘🏻-

I sigh confused.

I turn off my phone and set it down on my desk.

I go over to my bed and grab my hoodie that was laying there, I took it to my closet hanging it up.

Knock knock knock


I wish he would go to sleep already.

I go to my door, unlocking it and opening it.

"Ye- HEY WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell as Jake picks me up throwing me over his shoulder and walking me out of my room to the kitchen.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING CUNT"  I yell out hitting the shit out of his back.

"Calm the hell down" He says setting me on the counter, I look at him with a 'Why the fuck did you just do that you absolute fucking bitch' type of face.

"Stay" He says walking to the hall closet and pulling out a first aid kit.

My bitch face dropped and my mind started to race along side my heart.




Please don't do this right now.

I don't want him to see it.

He walks back to me and set the kit beside me on the counter.

He places his left hand on my waist.

"Im gonna clean them. Okay? I'm not judging you. I just want to make sure they arent infected okay?" He says removing his hand just as quick as he had it on my waist.

I blushed slightly.

I started to tear up.

Why does he care this much.

This so on reasonably sweet.

I don't deserve this.

739 words

Sorry for not updating.


◖Tears◗ Jake Webber X Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now