chapter 10

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"Why are we different Mama?", my heart sank as my 8 year old daughter asked me this question.
"What do you mean honey?" I knew exactly what she meant.
"All my friends have dads and you always say I can't tell them that I don't. Why?"
"Oh Lizzy honey, that's really difficult to explain. Maybe we should wait until you're older."
"NO.", she yelled, "NO NO NO", she punched the armrest of her chair.
"okay okay darling shhh", I held her little fists still in the air.
"You know how much Mom and I love you, right?", I asked, she nodded.
"Well when your Mom and I were young, when you were just a little baby, our friend gave you to us. That's where we got you from."
"You didn't make me?", she asked innocently.
"No, we didn't. Two moms can't make a baby together."
"Not even a mom and a mama?"
I shook my head no. "And that's why most people don't want two moms to have a child together, they think it's not right. So if we went around telling everybody, they might take you away from us to put you into what they think is a 'proper family'."
"But we are a proper family", she argued, Peggys British accent shining through her words.
"Yes we are, you just hold on to that. And you remember that we can only tell Howard and uncle Edwin and auntie Ana, okay?"
Peggy walked through the front door then, a smile dancing across her lips as she crouched down to hug Lizzy. "Oh how I missed you baby, how mommy missed you"
"I missed you too", Lizzy whispered next to her ear, "mama's been telling me terrible things, like how they might take me away"
Peggy looked up at me in confusion "did she now?", she stood up and walked next to me.
"She wanted to know why she can't tell people she has two moms"
"ONE mom and ONE mama!", Lizzy corrected from corner of the room.
"Yes darling, yes.", I sighed,
„I'm sorry my love", I turned to Peggy, „she threw a fit and I just.. I felt like she should know. This.. what we're doing here... it can't exist in the world. If we let her believe this is normal she'll-"
Peggy gently cut me off „- become a kind and understanding person who knows that love comes in many forms."
I kissed her. „You phrase that nicely for someone who had a breakdown about kissing me once"
„That was THIRTEEN years ago", she threw a pillow at me.
I threw it back, then lizzy jumped in and threw one too. Before I knew it, I was getting attacked by my family to the point of exhaustion. I laughed until my belly hurt, I struggled under my girlfriends grip until my limbs ached and I tickled my daughter until my fingers went numb. Sure, this wouldn't ever exist out there in the world and we were kidding ourselves pretending it was okay, but I was glad for the little game of pretend we played. Because within these four walls, I had my happy little bubble, my joy and love, which was all I ever needed.
When I was finally let go, I ruffled my daughters hair. „Now kiddo, is your homework for tomorrow done?"
She violently nodded. „Then off to bed you go!", I encouraged her. She ran through the hallway in her pjs, yelling „MOMMY, BEDTIME STORY" and Peggy laughed as she followed. She turned back to me and smiled „I'll be right back babe". „Take your time", I said, because we had it. It was such a luxury.

When Peggy returned, she had a sad look on her face. Concerned, I reached for her arm to stroke it slowly. "What's bothering you?"
"Have you ever thought about marriage?", she asked slowly.
"I mean.. yeah of course I have. But I always knew I couldn't so I didn't contemplate it too much. Why are you asking? Regretting that you didn't get married at  19?", I laughed.
"Of course not, that man wouldn't have done me any good. I just.. I wish I could marry you, you know?"
My face fell, I had never considered that before. I loved her deeply and the thought of marrying her was magical. Two white dresses, smiles all around, our favorite people cheering.. 'You may kiss the bride'. But we couldn't.
"Oh peg", I sniffled and pulled her in for a hug, "I love you so much".  She managed an "I love you too", before starting to cry silently.
We just held each other for a while before I whispered "I would love to marry you"
"Seriously?", she asked hopefully.
"Honey we've been together for over a decade, we live together, we have a child for gods sake. But we can't, remember?"
She sighed and sat back. "I know, but I'm just happy that you would want to."
I gave her a soft smile. "How about this, if it ever becomes legal, wherever in the world, I promise that we'll go and get married."
I took off the prettiest ring on my hand and got down on one knee in front of the sofa. "If you'll have me?", I added to my prior statement.
She grinned and said "Yes. I will marry you anytime"
I put the ring on her finger and she bent down slightly to kiss me.
"Someday", I promised.
"Someday", she agreed.
918 words
Man this took forever, I'm so sorry.
If any of you have requests for oneshots (as part of the story or on it's own, I could make an extra story for that too), send them my way. Maybe I'll even get it done faster then :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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