- Chapter 6 -

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you do know it's bad for you!!

It's just university relax


oh snap that's true

Sunghee POV

I knew that it wasn't going to be easy to lie about my identity to everyone in the university. So I came up with a plan, a perfect plan that no one would suspect on who I am and who I'm not. I am going to put a wig and some contact lenses so that I look the same but not the same at the same time. I quickly tell Mia my plan and hope that everything will go as planned.

Mia: girl, as your best friend that plan is going to take you to hell and back!!! You're only doing this because sunghoon doesn't know who you are!!

Me: I know but I also want to see how I look with a specific colour before I dye it

Mia: its your loss, so don't come crying to me once you realise how messed up your relationship is with him

Me: ugh its fine and nothing will happen as long as im careful nothing will happen

After talking with mia for a few hours, I changed into my silk, ironed pyjamas before walking down to my mothers room. Once I'm standing in front of the beige door with silver decorations, I compose myself before entering. I knock 3-4 times before she opens the door

Me: mum is it okay for me to come in? or are you busy?

Queen Esmeralda: yes, you may but i-

Before she could finish her sentence, I engulfed her into a bear hug and she quickly responded to the hug and lead me into her room. After a few minutes she let me go and sat me down on her soft and fluffy bed. I flinched when I felt something poke my arm and I see that it's a photo of me and my parents when I was just a baby.

Queen Esmeralda: you know, you were only 6 months here. Look how cute you look

Me: mamaaaaa I look like a swollen tomato

Queen Esmeralda: a cute tomato but that's not why I wanted to talk to you about.

Me: is it about university? Because if it is, then mia already told me.

Queen Esmeralda: no sweetie it's not, but you know how I refrain myself about talking about my sister?

Me: oh you're talking about Tia Vera correct? (Tia means aunt in Spanish)

Queen Esmeralda: well, you are at a mature age to know about a secret that I've been hiding.

Me: what is it? Whatever it is I'll make sure to understand you

Queen Esmeralda: well I want to tell you that you have a fraternal twin brother and roughly around you were 2-4 years old, I gave birth to a healthy boy

Me: wa-wait wait youre telling me that I HAVE SIBLINGS!!!

I stared at my mother with a blank expression trying to let the information sink in. I can not believe this!!! I have brothers. Brothers that I've never met in my whole life. I wonder what they're like now before I could start questioning myself about their existence my mother disrupted my train of thoughts.

Queen Esmeralda: yes you do sweetie do you want to know what happened to them?

Me: sorry I won't disrupt you

Queen Esmeralda; as I was saying, you have a twin brother and a younger brother I was going to let you know once you were 18 but I got really sick and I didn't know if I was going to survive.

Me: please don't remind me about that year. I thought that I was going to be alone. Without you

Queen Esmeralda: well the next year your Tia came to the castle and sh-she grabbed both of your brothers

•~ Many years ago ~•

Queen Esmeralda POV

I was having a great time taking care of my kids and I was finally mastering the courage to announce their existence to the town. As I was grabbing food for Sunghee,Kimi and Jaesung I felt a presence that made me shiver. However I quickly ignored it and continued my way to the kids room. As I entered I saw how they were cutely waiting for their food

Sunghee: Mom are you okay?

Me: yes I am sweetie! Why are you asking

Sunghee: your shaking mummy

Jaesung: do you wan a hug mama?

Before I could answer I found myself on the floor with 1 year old Kimi on my lap and the twins hugging me. I smiled as I felt grateful for having this family. Without realising I started crying and my tears wouldn't stop.

Jaesung: mama don't cry we here

He carefully picked up a tissue and wiped my tears for me. I quickly grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Me: no one would believe you are 5 years old Jaesung

Jaesung: but I am! Just fi-five but sungee is five too!!

Sunghee: yeah me too!!

Before I was able to coo from the cuteness I just witnessed my husband quickly ran into the room and locked the door and protected it.

Me: Amor? You okay? What's going on?

King Byung-Ho: yo-your sister is here and she did something that made us run

Me: I have 2 sisters mi rey but did she at least tell you her name?

King Byung-Ho: I don't know, it's something along the lines of mera?

As soon as I heard him trying to say her name I knew what was coming our way. I went to hug my husband and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

Me: whatever you do make sure to protect yourself and everyone around you and our kids-

Before I could finish talking to my husband we heard screaming and as we turned around we saw a man trying to kidnap our kids.


As I saw my husband charging towards the masked man and they didn't not hesitate to fight each other. I quickly grabbed my kids and made them go into a hidden room that was made for these types of situations. Without thinking I grabbed Kimi and caressed him with all my love and I hugged the twins like there was no tomorrow. The screaming and gunshots were scaring the kids and the fight was still ongoing. So, I started to comfort my kids as I grabbed onto them I was singing one of their favourite songs

~~ Bidi bidi bom bom
Y se emociona (y se emociona)
Ya no razona
Y me empieza a cantar (cantar)
Me canta así, así, así, así
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom)
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom)
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom ~~
( if your Hispanic, ifykyk)

As I kept singing the whole castle went silent. It was so silent I could drop a needle and would hear it fall. Before I could go to the door to check what had happened I was flown to the other side by a small bomb. The impact may have been small but it was enough for me to hear ringing in my ears for a while. It took me at least 3 minutes to recover and in order to protect my kids, I went into a protective mode that made me want to hurt anyone who came into my way.

???: it's been a while my apparent so called royal sister


Vera: YOU CAUSED IT YOU BRAT!! Because of you I miscarried!! Because of you my child died in MY ARMS!!!



???: I'm related to you??!! How is that possible!!!


Sunghoon: and you are?


Wow 2 updates in one week!! I'm slowly getting the hang of balancing my life soooo you'll see more chapters come out quicker.

I hope you guys my readers like the story

Also I'm not a big fan of calling you guys, "readers" or "you guys" shall we come up with a name for you guys???

I'll come back soon

The Enemy Of The Princess - Enhypen Sunghoon FF Where stories live. Discover now