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"GRAHAM" Vivienne screamed quickly dropping to his side gently lifting his head onto of her legs "Vivienne I love you" he muttered looking up at the girl "I love you to gray, please don't leave" he slowly smiled at her nodding "EMMA CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICK" Vivienne's voice was thick with worry, she couldn't loose him. He was her only family. Vivienne was snapped out of her thoughts by Graham gently grabbing her hand "it's okay viv, I promise I'll watch over you, I'll be with you every step of the way okay?" Graham whispered looking at Vivienne whose eyes were clouded with tears "No, you can't go. I need you here. With me!" Graham gently reached up and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. "Oh vivi, don't cry. I'll always be here" he gently pointed to heart "it hurts too much to stay" he slowly blinked back his own tears as he watched the girl sob.

"Graham please fight it, the ambulance. It'll be here soon, right Emma?" The girl turned her head to Emma who was watching the two with tears falling from her eyes "that's right.." Graham looked at Emma "take care of her for me em." Emma looked back at him and smiled. Vivienne held onto grahams hand as he gently stroked her face "you'll always be my favourite sister viv, you'll be the person I think about when I go" Vivienne smiled as tears spilled even more "I'll love you forever vivi" he smiled slightly trying to mask the pain he was in "you'll always be my favourite brother gray, I'll love you forever aswell. Just please hold on" Vivienne pleaded as she watched Graham shake his head "it's my time to go, Goodnight Vivienne Jones" Vivienne shook her head in denial as he repeated the words he said to her last night, "Goodnight gray" she choked out before gently kissing his head watching his eyes close as he went into an eternal slumber, his body went limp shortly after which caused Vivienne to sob even more. She couldn't believe he was gone, she didn't want to believe it around five minutes after his passing the sirens were heard outside, two paramedics came rushing in only to halt at the door when they saw the girl cradling a limp body in her arms gently sobbing into his chest.

The paramedics gave Vivienne some time with him before having to pry him away from her. That was the last she saw of her best friend. Her brother. He platonic soulmate. The only one who she seeked comfort from was gone.

Vivienne was frozen in place, her face looked numb, Emma had tried to get her to stand yet failed as somehow the girl remained still, Emma watched as Vivienne's breathing was slow, she watched as the woman infront of her didn't blink, she watched as the girl infront of hers first stage of grief commenced.

"He'll be okay I know it, they'll be able to revive him won't they" Vivienne looked up at Emma with a hopeful look "no Viv, he's gone..I'm so sorry" Vivienne shook her head not listening to what the blonde had to say. "Stop kidding with me Emma he's fine he's perfectly fine" Vivienne pleads, that was until she felt Emma's hand on her shoulders "no vivienne, he's gone. I'm so sorry but you have to believe me" Emma watched as the girls face changed she had moved onto the second stage

Countless of things had been thrown off the desk, papers, pens, staplers Vivienne had thrown glasses at the wall and a chair too, Emma didn't try to put a stop to this, she knew it was normal for someone to be feeling this way about death. She knew that she had felt like this once before. Emma had watched as the girl went to throw another glass except cutting her hand by accident in the process, she quickly ran over to the girl gently holding her hand infront of her. "Sit on the desk" Vivienne sat keeping her hand out for Emma to sort out. "I wish it was me Emma, why couldn't the world have taken me instead. I don't deserve to be in this world" bargaining. "I would do anything. Anything! To have him back" Emma shook his head "Vivienne I understand your pain but you have to accept the fact he isn't coming back, you cannot do anything about it" Emma looked back down at Vivienne's hand gently wrapping the bandage around it. The ginger woman had started to sob again, the fourth stage of grief finally taking over - depression. Vivienne wanted nothing more but to crawl into grahams arms right now am hug him accept, graham was now dead and she had torn apart the whole Sheriffs department in a moment of grief. "It okay Vivienne , I'll take care of you" the blonde said gently wrapping her arms around the girl in front of her placing a Kiss on her head. "He's really gone isn't he?"
Vivienne looked up as the final stage kicked in - acceptance. Emma nodded "yes, yes he is but that's okay, because you have me. I'll look after you okay! Now come on let's get you home" Vivienne shook her head "no you go home Emma, I'm going to stay here for a bit" she said softly smiling at the blonde.

Vivienne sat there frozen in place all night, she hadn't moved a muscle. She kept having to remind her self to blink when her eyes had gone dry, grief was a funny thing to her as she never remembered loosing anyone before she lost Graham, it was like her family never existed. The next morning Vivienne was awoken by a gentle tap on the shoulder "Viv, it's me Emma. I've come to take you home sweetheart" Vivienne nodded slowly opening her eyes looking at the woman infront of her "are you okay?" Emma asked completely regretting the words the moment they left her mouth, however Vivienne didn't reply she just blinked at her "I know it was a silly question cmon let's get you home"


Rip graham, but he had to go, I may just be over dramatic or sensitive but when I was writing this I was actually sobbing however rereading it I was fine so idk what was going on. Be sure to check my tiktok Cvqzlver for updates about the book!!! BTW IM SORRY IF THERE IS ANY MISTAKES ILL CHECK LATER BC RN IM TIRED

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