Chapter 18 - George

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As Louis and Princess Odette forged ahead, their bond tinged with an undeniable spark, I couldn't help but observe the electric connection between them. From the moment we crossed paths in the forest, I sensed there was more to Louis's duty to protect Odette than mere obligation to the royal family of Oryn. And as for Odette, her glances toward Louis spoke volumes—a silent language of admiration and trust.

Ah, lovebirds they were, reminiscent of my own cherished memories with dear Fiona.

Fiona, my beloved. Her image still etched vividly in my mind—her radiant face, her golden locks aglow. Our fateful encounter at a forest festival mirrors the scene that had unfolded before me at the festival this year; a simple invitation to dance, an innocent gesture that sparked a flame that endured through the ages.

I remember that evening with perfect clarity—the soft strains of music filling the air, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the crisp night breeze. Fiona had stood beneath the canopy of twinkling lights, her smile brighter than any star in the sky. We danced together, our steps in perfect harmony, as if the universe had conspired to bring us together in that moment.

Oh, how my heart aches for her absence. Yet, I find peace in the knowledge that she now resides in a realm untouched by pain or affliction—a comforting thought amidst the bittersweet symphony of memories.

Lost in my contemplation, I was abruptly drawn back to reality by the halted steps of the not-so-official couple ahead of me. As I closed the distance between us, I realized Louis and Princess Odette were peering into the depths of a gaping cavern.

"We have to cross it," Louis declared, his voice carrying a hint of determination.

My skepticism couldn't be contained. "And how do you expect us to do that?" I inquired, my eyes scanning the expanse of the chasm yawning before us.

Drawing closer to the edge, I inadvertently triggered a disturbance—a faint crack echoing in the silence. Before I could react, the ground beneath me gave way, and I plummeted into the void, a scream ripping through the air.

"AHHHHH!" I cried out, terror seizing my senses, until a firm grip enveloped me, arresting my fall.

I glanced upward to behold Louis, perilously hanging over the edge, his strength the only barrier between me and certain doom. "Hurry! Odette, pull me up!" Louis's urgent plea reverberated in the cavern, as Princess Odette clasped his outstretched hand, the strain evident in her determined expression.

With painstaking effort, they hoisted me to safety, my heart pounding with gratitude and relief as solid ground once again cradled me.

Breathless and shaken, I attempted to inject levity into the tense atmosphere. "Well, it seems we need a more creative approach to crossing than that," I remarked, though the gravity of our narrow escape lingered heavy in the air.

Louis's face ignited with a sudden intensity, a glimmer of inspiration igniting within his mind. With a determined gaze, he turned to Odette and me, his question hanging in the air like a charged current.

"Do you trust me?" His words were infused with a mix of urgency and conviction, a challenge implicit in his tone.

Odette and I exchanged a glance, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before our mutual affirmation resonated in unison.

"Yes," we replied, our voices echoing in the cavernous expanse.

Extending his hand toward the abyss below, Louis summoned a dazzling burst of azure light, illuminating the darkness before us, only to watch it fade into obscurity.

"Okay, who's first?" Louis's inquiry cut through the silence, his tone brooking no argument.

"I... I don't see anything," Odette confessed, her voice tinged with apprehension.

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