Chapter 1

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After coming home from school that day, my mind was racing. Dance class had been insane to say the least. I don't know how I'd been able to see Luke, dance that dance and sing with him, all inside my head. I swear it was like he was real, his chest pressed against my back as our arms slid around each other, his breath tickling my neck and ear. His heart thundering against me, as if answering my own.

I threw my bag down next to my door and closed it before spinning and flopping my back down onto my bed, hands covering my face. I really can't deny it now can I? The way Luke makes me feel. His gaze lights me on fire, his voice carries me away like dust on the wind, his guitar seems so sing to my very soul. All I want is for him to wrap his arms around me, hold me tight against him. For him to kiss my head, forehead, nose, SHIT. I can't let my mind wander too far. I have to go meet the guys soon for practice.

I close my eyes and remember our dance, his hands on my hips, under my ass, him on his knees before me, looking at me the way only Luke can. Maybe I can indulge myself for a few minutes before going and meeting the guys for practice.

I wiggle further onto my bed, close my eyes again and trace my hands everywhere Luke's had been in my daydream, everywhere I wish they'd been. Eventually, my left hand slowly massaging my breast as my right trailed it's way down my stomach, just like I imagine he'd do. Teasing at the edge of my pants before dipping underneath the waistband with a small gasp. My hands working over my body like Luke's as he played his guitar, with sure fingers and continuous passion. My fingers slipping over my clit with another gasp, I imagine he'd smirk at me, before sliding further into my wet folds.

One finger slipping inside as my left hand under underneath my shirt and draw to firmly roll my nipple between my fingers. Gasping as squirming as I think of Luke, if these were his hands he'd probably be using that damned tongue of his to kiss at my neck. The way he's constantly fiddling a guitar pick in his mouth, I'm sure he know how to use it. I imagine he'd release my neck long enough to breath into my ear, cum for me Julie. I bit my lip to keep my gasp quiet as I shudder.

Luke's POV

"Where is she? I saw her come home but she hasn't come out yet." I groaned, pacing, I'm itching to play and to make her forget about that stupid Nick for a while. While we're on stage, Julie is mine, I am hers.

"Duuuude chill out, maybe she wanted to shower or eat of something." Alex grumbled, twirling his drumstick in his fingers from his seat behind his kit.

"Yeah man, it hasn't even been that long. She'll be out in a little bit. Or are you just worried she stopped to call Nick or something?" Reggie laughed, making little kissy faces and doe eyes. I punch his shoulder. "Come on man, it's not like that, for either of us. You know that." I mutter, turning away to pace again.

"Yeah, suuuuuure. You guys are fucked with how much you like each other man. Just accept it so we can stop watching this awkward wayward glance when no one is looking, crap." Reggie chuckled, rubbing and rotating his shoulder. I didn't even hit him that hard.

"Julie isn't shooting me any 'wayward glances' and I'm not either. She'd never think of me that way." I rolled my eyes as I used the quotations. "I'm just gonna poof up and check on her" I declared.

"Make sure you knock first dude. Boundaries and all" Alex pointed at me with his stick, a warning in his eyes.

"Pft. Yeah, yeah." And I poofed out of the studio.

I poof into Julie's room and realize, I'm in deep shit. I'm by her door, she's laying sprawled out on her bed. Her hair a fan around her as light shines through the window, her face scrunched up in concentration and pleasure, her shirt is pulled up to just show the underside of a pink bra. Her left hand grasping at her breast and her right hand- I swallowed hard. Her right hand is disappearing further and further into her pants, judging by the noises she's making its likely under her panties too.

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