Chapter 28

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Luke and I decided we should probably take quick showers before going to meet the guys in the studio. I was definitely sorer than I was earlier, some parts were definitely a good kind of sore though. I showered relatively quickly and got dressed in the outfit I was wearing earlier, but new panties. 

Luke was already in the hallway when I finally emerged, shaking his wet hair over me like a shaggy dog. "Julie, before we go to the guys, that was all okay still, right?" He asked, hands resting on my hips. I smiled at him. "Yes Luke, that was perfect." I kissed the tip of his nose. "But if you're gonna be like this after every time..." I shrugged, turning to walk down the stairs, he spun me back towards him. "Already planning more times?" He smirked, a small rasp to his voice.

"Maybe, hate to feed your ego but." I hooked y fingers into the loops of his jeans, pulling him closer to me. "I kinda can't resist you. Couldn't when I had a taste, now that I've had a bite." I shook my head to exaggerate the point. Luke smirked at me. "Speaking of which, wouldn't have guessed you'd be a biter or a scratcher Jules." I blushed, remembering just how hard I was on his poor back. 

"Oh shit, I left marks, didn't I?" I worried, turning him around to take a look. No teeth marks but definitely scratch marks. Luke laughed a little and turned back around. "It's okay Jules, I liked it. Worth every scratch." He nipped at my lip. "I just didn't expect that out of you is all, very pleasant surprise." I blushed at him. "Probably should tell you about the hickeys you left on my thighs." I prodded his chest. 

Luke thrust his hands up in surrender. "At least I put them where no one could see them. Unlike where I wanted to put them." He bent over and kissed my pulse point, giving it a small lick, making me shiver.

 "We need to go now before we end up screwing in the hallway." I joked, turning to the stairs again, this time Luke followed. "Kinky, you keep surprising me Julie." He smiled, slipping his hand into my back jean pocket as we walked out of the house ad towards the garage, removing it when we reached the studio. 

Reggie and Alex were deep in an argument about... I think, what order Star Wars should be watched in. Chronological or by release date. "What do you think Julie?" Reggie demanded as I sat down at my keyboard. "Personally, I have no skin in this game and don't care. Flynn always says chronological though." I shrugged, Reggie puffed his chest out, clearly that was his answer too. 

"Let's just get to practicing." Luke sighed, picking up his guitar and taking his place by his mic, a definite pep in his step. Alex slid his eyes over to me and arched a brow, not an accusation a question. I blushed and looked away for a second, when I looked back at Alex, he looked like the cat that ate the canary, smiling widely. 

We only managed to get through two of our three songs before I got way too tired to even attempt 'Perfect Harmony'. A buzzing came from the boys' phones after we decided to hang it up for the day. Alex was he only one to actually check his though.

"Oh! We have to go get our clothes for the showcase!" He stood up, almost tipping his seat over in the process. "Oh, shit you're right!" Luke checked his watch, then his phone. "We gotta get going or we'll get caught in traffic." Luke ushered the guys and I into the car before poofing in and getting my keys and purse.

We just barely missed out on the traffic, though there were definitely more people here than when we came last time. We picked up my dress first before heading to the other store to get the guys' tuxes. After one final try on for their tuxes, we rung them up and began to leave with our arms now full of garment bags. As we left the storefront, we almost literally ran into Nick, he looked like he was about to curse us out but then his eyes landed on Luke's face. Nick's eyes widened in terror, and he bolted in the opposite direction, so fast that I blinked, and he was gone.

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