411 32 5

atlanta, georgia
june 26th

"Can you say dada?" The sweetest, melodic voice he'd heard in a while asked the smiling baby, receiving only a sweet smile in response. "Say dadaaa" she sang loudly, getting a string of giggles from the child making herself laugh. "She's laughing" Halle laughed pointing out the obvious, looking somewhere past the camera with a bright smile. The baby had them completely smitten. They were so proud of the gorgeous baby. They cheer her on, even if she does something every other baby does.

Sunjai was special to them. She showed them a love neither of them knew existed. She taught them a patience they were sure they'd never attain. She lightened their hearts and made their days longer. They slept during midnight hours instead of being troubled by the trauma of their past. She was it for them.

The video ended with shrieks of excitement and pure joy after the baby said dada loud and clear. Halle sprinted off the bed with the baby in one arm and her camera in the other hand. Dayvon grabbed it from her, holding it in front of them as he wrapped his free arm around her waist.

Dayvon couldn't continue to watch without feeling a burning sensation in his stomach and throat. He groaned at the growing ache forming in his head as he turned off the tape and forced himself off the edge of his bed. He turned the TV off and headed into the bathroom to start his early morning routine. It was only 5 am, but that's the time he naturally woke up. Every year around this time since the tragedy that ruined his life, he started his days off with one of the home movies that contained moments of his beautiful small family.

Now in his young adulthood, he felt like he was more of a man back then. He'd spent his time reminiscing on what he considered his golden years. He felt like he moved more strategically because he had a purpose. He had motivation. Now, he had no specific reason to wake up every morning, he just did. Hell, it wouldn't be a problem if he were to die today. His family would be set for life on some generational wealth shit. That was probably the only thing he could feel proud of in his life.

After he brushed his teeth and took a short shower, he got dressed in a grey Nike tech and paired it with his clean air forces. He couldn't bring himself to dress all expensive like he usually does. Heading out of his room, he went down the large spiral stairs and went into the dining area to check the mail he remembered throwing on the table the night before.

He was too exhausted to read them last night so he might as well do it now. For the most part, it was random junk. Regular stuff about the land he was looking to purchase and some more boring stuff. Seeing a thick envelope though, he let out a deep breath already knowing its containments.


Read one piece of paper that came out of the envelope. The next one was lined paper that looked straight out of a notebook. He held his breath at the recognition of the handwriting. "Halle" he whispered to himself, eager to read the handwritten letter.

Dayvon, please sign the papers. I've been trying for this divorce for nearly 5 years now and enough is enough. Let me go! Stop holding me hostage in this situation that is everything but a marriage. I haven't worn the ring in 4 years. The moment you left me to die in our apartment, you and everything attached to you was dead to me. I do not love you anymore and I do not wish to be Halle Bennett anymore. I can't even change my fucking driver's license or anything until this divorce is finalized. Dayvon please I'm actually begging.

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