361 34 3

los angeles, california
june 28th

"Is this the finished top? Like is it this revealing? Not that I have a problem with it I just wanna know so I can head to the gym asap" Halle expressed, dramatically sucking in her stomach receiving laughs from all around the room. Kassandra, her chosen designer for the BET awards, chuckled before showing Halle a sketch of what the finished product would look like.

"It's definitely not finished, but it will show a lot of skin. You honestly don't even need to go to the gym you need to go to an all-you-can-eat buffet" Kassandra joked making Halle do her infamous infectious laugh.

It was around 2 pm and everyone was basically just lounging around in one of Halle's homes. This one was open to her team and was mostly considered a chill spot for everyone. In preparation for her and Chloe's performance, they slowed down all interviews and extra appearances. The girls strictly focused on the upcoming show and were more than ecstatic.

The last time they performed at the awards was when they were much younger. With their premature sounds and faces, they stole the hearts of the older audience while creating their own fanbase. Now, fully grown with mature sounds and looks, they were ready to snatch the souls of their audience with their enchanting vocals and overall beauty.

Like every year, they were nominated for some kind of award. After the first 2 award shows they've attended, they've learned not to get their hopes up. Each and every time they get robbed by some pop song that rose to charts with the use of payola. At this point, they could care less about the nominations. They were just happy to be in a space with fellow black artists who knew a little something about struggle and hard work.

Halle was sitting comfortably in the corner of her huge couch in front of the large flat-screen TV that was mounted on the wall above the artificial fireplace. A few of her friends were sat along with her. There had to be at least 20 people roaming the home and that excluded her 25/7 security. Chloe and Halle always rode deep since they were young kids. You'll never see Chloe without Halle and vice versa. Then, you'll never see them with at least 2 extra people by their side.

Speaking of Chloe, she welcomed herself into the humble abode with her usual loud grand entrance. "THE PARTY's HEREEE" she sang, sounding beautiful without even trying. Everyone let out a fake annoyed groan, playfully rolling her eyes as she entered the living room.

"Yuck not you again"

"Lord give me strength"


"Please leave again"

They all groaned laughing as Chloe smacked her lips. "Yall gotta stop pump faking like y'all don't love me. Yall gotta stop" Chloe laughed. Halle took a second to look at her sister, completely unmoved by her dramaticness. She was more than used to it. Noticing envelopes and random coupon books, she leaped off her seat and launched towards Chloe.

"You got the mail lemme see."

All the mail was eagerly snatched from Chloe's hand and plopped onto the couch. Halle flipped through every envelope until she found the important stamped envelope she was looking for. "Please God, please God" she mumbled as she carefully tore the envelope open.

Everyone watched her, expecting some time of reaction as she looked inside the envelope. "Well that was anticlimactic and underwhelming" Todrick, a very close friend to the sisters, said under his breath but everyone heard him loud and clear and struggled to hold their giggles. "Shut up Todd damn" Chloe spat back, though she was practically thinking the same thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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