Chapter 29: Let Me Hold Your Heavy Heart

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Song Credits: Blanke & Grant - Heavy Heart (feat. your friend polly)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Trying to comfort an emotional Skyelle, Sama decides to ask her old enemy for help. 

They get busy during their date, and Sama asks to officially claim her girlfriend as her mate. And Skyelle agrees.


I sigh sadly. My red eyes flicker over to her. Her cheeks were red from crying for awhile. I reach out, and she looks up at me.

Her sad eyes make me want to comfort her. Kiss all her pain away.

Skyelle sits in my lap, and I lean back. Running my nails carefully through her matted hair. My poor human hasn't left the bed in days.

For her, she was traumatized. She kept having nightmares of me dying, or of someone hurting me. My hum is light. Red eyes flickering in sadness.

Snuggling into my chest, I say quietly, "Butterfly, are you going to be okay? I'm worried for you..." The girl hiccups. "I-I don't know. I was s-scared of l-losing you. I still am."

Carefully I lift her head up. Her hands grab onto my arms. Leaning down, I kiss her gently on the lips. Her whining catches my attention.

Splitting, she grabs for me. Her blue eyes look into my soul. This human has been through so much. My darling human that needed me, more than anything.

I whisper, "Will seeing Saigomo help you?" Her nod is small. Closing my eyes, I morph into my spider form. Opening them, she jumps and hugs my neck.

Sniffling her scent, I smile some. Her eyes light up. "There's my beautiful girl. I missed you..." Placing a kiss on her head, Skyelle then says, "S-saigomo, you're okay. Not hurt. I-I wanted to sob m-myself to death when I s-saw your body get t-taken away..."

My heart aches at her confession. I was also as scared of losing my Butterfly. She had bad people harm her before, long before I even came along.

Her meeting me made her feel safe. Made her trust again. Skyelle felt loved, I felt wanted. Our meeting was the best thing to happen to us both.


I needed help. For as long as I was around her, I still didn't know what humans do to feel better. My enemy was indeed human, so begrudgingly I ask for his assistance.

He of course didn't believe me, until I tell him about how's she's been... acting distant for days. Knowing that he'd do anything to help his friend, he says,

"I don't know what to say. My ancestors will hate me to help my enemy, but for Skyelle, I can try to help you."

Eventually we come up with something that would help her come out of her shell. A date to the beach, and he'd make food seeing as we would be busy.

My cheeks blush about seeing her in swim attire. Her body was already beautiful, but the sunset on her skin would make my claws act up.


"O-okay, I'd love that Sama. Thanks..." Blushing, I get dressed in my swim suit. My horrible ex boyfriend said that I'd look good in a two piece, so he bought me one.

Shaking my head, 'He only ever saw me as a toy to him. Something that he can have whenever he wanted...'

However Sama didn't have any bad intentions, if anything she'd try not to kiss me all over. But thinking of seeing her in different clothing made me red all over.

Meeting up at the beach, I sit on the shoreline, a pink two piece on. It was my only swimsuit, I didn't have time to buy anything else.

Looking up, I see her coming over. I wanted to die. She was so... Attractive already, but the swimming suit she was wearing made me feel heated. Her breasts poking out some, making me want to pass out from overheating.

"Hello Butterfly, you look ravishing tonight..." I whine. "Why must you be so attractive though Toru?" Her red eyes set me off.

We had lunch, and she discussed how much she misses going on dates with me. My heart flutters when she asks if I want to swim with her. 

Taking her clawed hand, we get into the ocean. I get flustered at seeing her right in front of me, and like this too.

Her eyes were soft. I get picked up, and she places my legs on her hips. We makeout, and she groans sensually. My part wavers. 

"Mhm, S-sama!" Chuckling, she takes my top off. Playing with my boobs, she nips one. Her fangs make me want it. Anything to feel alive once more.

"My darling, may I ask you? Do you want to be my mate? Even as a human, I knew you'd be the one-" Yes, I wanted to be hers' forever. Enthusiastically, I kiss her raw.

Taking our swim suits off, she looks down, smiling with her red lips. The sunset making her look majestic. I grab on tight. Her nails carefully hold onto me.

Nodding, she starts to move. I groan and lean back. We rub against each other. Even though we're both female, we made it work. 

I pant, an eye open as she enters a nail. The sensation felt better than whenever I did it with a guy. She goes deeper, making me shut up by kissing me.

"Good human, you're my mate. Nobody will ever touch you!" My eyes roll back. I had three claws currently inside of me.

Liquids spill, and she licks them. I grunt, bringing my hips up. Her tongue reaches far, and it felt amazing. She licks her lips.

My breathes are heavy. But my heart no longer was. 

But as soon as I finished, she connects our hips. Warmth floods me, and I let unholy gibberish out. "B-butterfly, will you carry my children please?" My eyes flicker.

"Yes. I need you..." I lean towards her, and she bites my neck while emptying herself. The waves thankfully cover our nude bodies.

Her breasts were jutting into my body. I scream, and my head is in them as we finish. She hums. She squeezes them, and I feel her speak, "You feel amazing love, please bite them for me..." 

I do, making the witch moan. Something felt good about seeing the former Beast of Control moaning and enjoying herself.

We were mates for life. I was her little human lover, and she was my demonic girlfriend. I didn't care as long as we were happy.


Humming, I pick the tired human up. I wrap her in a towel until she woke up. Carefully I teleport us home. Getting myself dressed, using magic to put her in pajamas.

I place a hand on her flat stomach. She wanted kids as did I. Someday we'd have a family, but for now we should probably go slow about it.

I didn't want to force her into doing anything that was against her wishes. However I just want to rest with the woman that I love.

My Skyelle...

I start singing to her,

"-私と一緒にチューリップの中をつま先立ちで来てください. ああ, 庭のそばでつま先立ち. 柳の木の庭で そして, 私と一緒にチューリップの間をつま先立ちで..."

(Translation in English: "-Come on tiptoe among the tulips with me. Oh, standing on tiptoe by the garden. In the garden of willow trees and, tiptoe among the tulips with me...")

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