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*Allison's P.O.V*

I fidget with Annabelle's sleeves, following behind her as we toured the orphanage. There were tons of children, scattered about. Some were sitting on the floor, some were sitting or laying on furniture, and others were just standing around.

They all seemed fairly happy, at least happier then I had ever been. Some of them were even smiling! I thought that was great, I was happy that they were smiling. Annabelle wraps an arm around me, letting me stay close as she guides me to wherever. The building was huge! I didn't realize how massive it was until we were actually inside.

"They try to group the children together based off of age and needs. Those who need more care, their rooms will typically be closer to one of the day or night workers so that they can receive the care that they may need," Annabelle whispers, making me blink as I nod. I thought that made sense but I had no idea why we were whispering. So I decide to ask.

"Why are we whispering?" I whisper back to her, earning a small chuckle from her.

"Because I don't want to disturb the children who are currently doing things, that is all," Annabelle says, making me nod my head. I guess she had a fair point, it would be kind of rude to disturb the children. Plus I don't think the workers would be happy if the children got all riled up.

"Annabelle, I think I would have liked growing up some place like this," I tell Annabelle quietly, feeling her arm wrap around my waist as she kisses the top of my head.

"I think you would have too," Annabelle says, her head resting on my shoulder as we just observe the room for a minute before a worker comes up to us. She's an older woman, with a stern face and greying hair. She reminds me of a grandma.

"Your majesty, I was wondering when you would show up. You're late," the woman says, making me tense slightly. Was she mad? I hadn't meant to make us late. I shrink back slightly, feeling Annabelle's grip tighten slightly.

"She's teasing dear," Annabelle murmurs, kissing my forehead as she rests her head on top of mine. I let out a small breath of relief, looking at the woman to make sure that she isn't really mad. She has a small smile on her face so I assume she isn't truly angry.

"Yes, I am teasing. I am Lady Effi, you can just call me Effi," she introduces herself.

"Thank you Effi," Annabelle says, earning a glare from Effi.

"I wasn't speaking to you your majesty. So do not interrupt," Effi says, making me giggle because it sounds like she is scolding Annabelle. Annabelle huffs, a small chuckle escaping her.

"She's always grumpy with me, it's what happens when you start graying," Annabelle murmurs, using me as a shield when Effi steps closer.

"Your mother should have taught you some manners," Effi tells Annabelle who is trying to hide her amusement at annoying the woman. I squirm slightly, catching her attention.

"Would like a tour little one?" Effi asks, making me blush. She knew I was a regressor?! What gave it away, surely not the fact that I was holding onto Annabelle's hand for dear life. Or the fact that I was trying to switch places so that I could hide behind her.

"Yes please," I remember to answer after a second, still reeling slightly.

"And you don't have to call me little one," I whisper, making her raise an eyebrow.

"I call everyone little one, even the royal pain in the...butt that is behind you," Effi says, making me giggle. I had never heard anyone talk about Annabelle like that and it was very funny to see someone do so as if she wasn't the queen.

"Lady Effi is a very near and dear friend to my mother," Annabelle sighs, sounding disappointed with the fact that the two were friends. I find that even more amusing since it meant that I had a new person to team against Annabelle.

"Come, let's go. You shall enjoy a private tour, see what goes into this," Effi says. She doesn't even flinch when she turns around a child is immediately in front of her, scooping the little boy who had wanted her attention.

"Are you going to help me give a tour to our guests?" Effi asks, earning a nod from the boy who was just clinging onto her dress. His head was tucked into her shoulder, using it as a pillow.

"That's something you do when you're sleepy," Annabelle murmurs, making my cheeks darken at the quiet words. I didn't do that!...did it I? I try to think about it as she takes my hand, holding onto it loosely as Effi starts to walk away.

I follow after Effi, taking a small breath to steady my nerves. I didn't know why I was so nervous but I felt like I was going to be sick. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I consider how different my life would have been if I had managed to find myself in a place that was even half as nice as this.

Annabelle squeezes my hand slightly, making me glance at her. I smile reassuringly, letting her know that I won't bolt or freak out. A small smile crosses her lips as she falls behind me slightly, letting me walk with Effi as she explains what happens. How they have open doors for children to come and go, a place for them to collect food and leave, rooms for them to stay. It sounds so nice to not be trapped, and that's often how I feel when staying in one place for too long.

"Kind of wished I had this place," I admit, making Effi smile slightly.

"Well now that it's here, there will never be another child that will be suffer like you did. Not as long as I am around," Effi promises as she offers me her free hand and I take it, following along as she explains everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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