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First chapter of the second book! So happy about writing it.

*Allison's P.O.V*
"Allure," I heard Penelope call making me turn to look at her.

"Yes Pen?" I asked making her huff slightly.

"Don't call me that," she muttered while crossing her arms over her chest. "Zayne says we're leaving now," she said making me nod and follow her.

Zayne had been the one to save me. He had seen me go under the water and jumped in when he heard my struggling and then the silence. He had saved me but I couldn't remember a thing at all. Penelope had been the one to tell me my name but it hadn't stuck with me.

I was given the nickname Allure because of how alluring I was to both men and women alike. It was my job to seduce them and then lead them to a room at a bar or hotel where Zayne would tie them up and then take money or even plans if I was lucky enough to get a guard under my trance.

My cloak swept over the ground which made me smile as I tied the ribbon to it tighter around my neck. I couldn't risk it falling off when I wasn't worning or else people my recognize me and realise what I did.

"You ready to go?" Zayne asked as he suddenly appeared from behind a tree. I glanced at him and nodded silently making him smirk. "Aww no talking from little Allure?" He teased making me smack his arm.

"Shut it Zayne," I said earning a laugh from him.

"No, I don't think I will," he said as he teasingly pulled my hood down. I stomped on his foot with one of my heels making him wince and stop walking. I pulled my hood up and flipped him off as I kept walking.

"Don't touch my hood again jackass," I stated as I followed Penelope. She glanced at me and smiled softly. Unlike my dark black cloak, hers was pure white. A sign that signified her innocence if we were to ever get captured. And she was innocent, except for her stealing. She was a good little thief too, probably why we we were so close.

She had tried teaching me how to steal and I had picked it up quite easily, making us both wonder what I did before I lost my memory. Regardless, we had bonded over our love of theft and she had become like a little sister to me.

I walked quicker and ducked down while grabbing her sides and lifting her up. She laughed as I sat her on my shoulders and kept walking, my hands holding onto her legs incase she fell backwards.

"Allure what was that for?" She asked while sitting still and looking around.

"I don't know owl," I said. I had given her that name because while she couldn't see well, her hearing was phenomenal. I also found out why she was so shocked when I apparently swung down on her when we met in my forgotten life. She couldn't have seen me seeing as she only saw faint movements in the right lighting. She had been born blind, or so she said, but the scar rubbing horizontal across her face had gone right through both of her eyes so I was a bit suspicious.

Her eyes were beautiful though. They were a very deep shade of silver that seemed to pierce through your soul. Her hair was dark black and it seemed to make the pale girl seem even paler.

"Have I told you I'm thinking about dying my hair white?" I asked. "Zayne says I'm pale enough to pull it off," I stated.

"Zayneeeee is usually wrong," she said dragging his name out in the way that usually annoyed him.

"I am never wrong," Zayne said as he rolled his eyes as he caught up with us. "You women are just never right," he stated. I guided Penelope's hand over and she smacked the back of his head.

"We're always right," She stated making me smile as we arrived at our now packed up base camp. I set Penelope down and she walked the well worn path to our leader's den. I followed after her as Sasha exited the only tent we still had set up.

Sasha was the leader of this little rebel group and also Zayne's older sister. "Hey Sash," Penelope said as she smiled slightly.

"Hey kiddo," she said as she scooped Penelope up and hugged her close. "Hey Allure," she nodded her head making me smile.

"Sup boss lady," I replied as I saluted her while leaning against a stack of crates. I looked between her and Zayne, noticing the differences. While they had the same brown hair, his was lighter. They had the same facial shape but her jaw was more chiseled. They had the same reddish eye color that reminded me of rusted blood.

"I got a mission for you Allure. It's not like your usual," Sasha told me making me smile.

"Ooh what is it?" I asked eagerly. "Do I get to kill someone?" I asked as I put my hand on my baton underneath my cloak.

"No," she said making me frown. "I need you and Zayne to infiltrate the Supreme Royal family ball. There's supposed to be an attempted assassination and I need you two to stop it," she stated.

"My job is to kill people not save them," I whined. She hissed at me and flashed her sharp teeth. "Yes ma'am, couldn't be happier to do my job," I said as I saluted her.

"You two will pose as the Duke and Duchess of Loayk, no one's ever seen them before and they've agreed to allow you to take their place," she said.

"We're gonna pretend to be people at the rulers of the worlds ball? We're so screwed," I said making her roll her eyes.

"Not if you don't get caught," she stated. "Now we leave within the next hour, Allure until then we'll be having dancing lessons," she said making me pout but nod.

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