"I'm sorry" pt.11

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I sat there, just waiting for him to come back and let me loose. I sigh, why did I have to act like that? Why couldn't I just let it go?

It's been a few hours and he still hasn't come back yet until I heard the sounds of keys jingling and a lock turning.

The red man stepped in the room before closing the door quietly, he stepped away and looked at me. I immediately looked away from him, still very much mad.

"Listen..." He started "I'm sorry and I should've have never said those things to your dog but please understand I just don't want my stuff to be ruined by them"

I looked at him. "You could've just asked whether they were trained or not...." He sighed before walking over to me and started to untie the ropes.

I rubbed my sore and red wrists as the rope was thrown back into its spot in the drawer, the drawer was shut by red who then made his was to my side.

He sat down before looking at my irritated wrists, they were almost as red as him. He gaze softens, almost sorrowful, almost like he regrets tying me up.

Then he looked me up the eyes before gently taking my wrists gently into his cool hands, the feeling of it made me sigh with satisfaction.

I watched as he brought my hands to his lips (ITS THE POWER OF WATTPAD PEOPLE, LET HIM HAVE LIPS!!! 💪🏻🗿)
To my reddened wrists, giving each of them gentle kisses, the butterflies that flew wildly in my stomach going even more feral

And with each kiss, he looked at me. I couldn't handle this kind of affection and immediately rejected his eye contact.

"My dear..."oh no, please don't call me that. "Please look at me, I want to see those beautiful e/c eyes staring into mine. I want to get lost in them, please.."

Oh the way he begged, I couldn't resist and finally looked at him again. His thumb grazes over my now less red wrists. Then his hands began to trail upwards, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

I closed my eyes at the feeling, a shiver ran down my spine. His hand then trailed around me, pulling me in.

I let him control the way my body moved, letting him pull me into a warm and comfortable embrace, his face burying into my neck.

"mi amor~" his voice was low and seductive, his cool and minty breath blew across my neck, I shudder. "I hope you forgive me for last night..."

I smiled. "I forgive you...." He pulled away from me, leaving me wanting more of him. His eyes then darted down to my lips before looking into my eyes, silently asking if he could.

I gave him a small but noticeable nod, he smirked before leaning in....

Suddenly the door bursts open, making us both jump away from each other. The figure apologizes before looking at red, it was orange. "Red, blue and green are fight again and me and purple are having a hard time getting them to stop. Can you please help us?" Orange was the only rainbow friend I hadn't seen, he looked like a Dinosaur.

Red sighed before looking over at me, giving me an apology look before looking back at orange and waving him off. "Yes yes, I'm coming" he sighed in annoyance, slightly mad at the sudden interruption.

He looked at me before mouthing. "We'll finish this later" my face burned with embarrassment, making the scientist smirk and then turned away; leaving the room. The door shutting with a soft click.

I know it's short but I needed to update this book before y'all assumed I was died and rotting somewhere in a ditch but I promise I'm not.

I hope y'all liked this chapter and GOOD GRIEF THE FLUFF 😖 I myself was a blushing mess....anyways bye bye! 🫶🏻🧀

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