AU Explanation

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A woman woke up, barely remembering anything. only two things, her baby and her name; Tang Shen.

~~(A year later)~~

Tang Shen had snuck aboard a large cargo ship. Tang Shen read the sign that read "To New York City". that sign caught Shen's attention and she decided to sneak on board and go to NYC.

~~(in the cargo)~~

Shen had discovered some weird green substance and decided to try and see if it was edible by trying a bit. when she touched it however, she mutated into a scorpion and hid.

when she arrived and the door opened, She ran to the door. Shen ran so fast she was a blur. She retreated to the sewers and passes by an area splinter had been just a minute ago. She was walking to calm down and spotted a small baby on the grown and picked it up. Shen examined the creature and determined it was a lot like her.

Shen took in the baby and, after she had quickly determined the baby was a female, (she studied about animals, mainly arthropods and reptiles), she named her Magnolia.

~~(a month later)~~

Shen and Maggie moved back to Japan on a cargo ship. once that got back to Japan, Shen realized that she and her baby could switch between being human and mutant due to the mutagen affecting them in a unique way (In a similar way it affected Karai in the actual series). 

Tang Shen changed how she looks to look similar to Maggie and then Shen started going by Yang (The white side of Yin and Yang. I went with Yang because it starts with a Y like Yoshi and Splinter starts with a S like Shen so I thought matching names for lovers would be cute and searched to see witch side of Yin and Yang was white/the light/good side, since Tang Shen is nice and Yang is the white side, she goes by Yang.)

Yang and Maggie lived in Japan for years, Maggie met Karai when she was 4 and Karai was 5, they became besties. Maggie met Shinigami when she was 5 and Karai and Shini were 6. when Maggie was 9, she wanted to be a boy and Yang allowed it because Yang supports the LGBTQ community. Maggie started going by Mikey/Michelangelo, Karai and Shini respected that and loved Mikey no matter what gender he is.

~~(six years later/present day)~~

Karai is sixteen and Mikey is fifteen, Yang let Mikey move to NYC with Karai, wanting Mikey to be amazed by New York just like she was all those years ago. Mikey appeared in this au in season one episode 21 "Karai's Vendetta" where Mikey helped Karai in kidnapping April thinking it is the right thing to do since Mikey had joined the foot clan back when he was 5, so he thought 'why would master shredder be doing this if this wasn't right?', because that's just how Mikey is, loyal to his clan/family.

so that's it for my explanation. Yang still never ends up with shredder in this au, especially since Shredder things Tang Shen is dead and Yang doesn't really remember Oroku Saki (The shredder). Yang and Shredder do know each other and Yang is a clan Medic. she has amnesia so ofc she doesn't remember how bad Oroku Saki is, and just like Mikey, Yang is loyal to her clan/family until she knows that they are horrible people.

once again, that is the end of the explanation, have a wonderful day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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