Happy Birthday - Mikey Madison

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"Morning, sweet girl." Mikey's arms wrapped around your waist from behind. She yawned as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, the smell of your intoxicating perfume invading her senses.

"Morning, my birthday baby." You cooed and rested your hand on the back of her neck when you reached behind you. She chuckled and only buried herself further into you. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really?" She asked as she pulled away. You turned around, her arms still loosely around your waist.

"Yep, follow me." You booped her nose and after a quick change for you two, Mikey followed you outside to your car where you proceeded to drive to a small secluded area up at the beach. There was a giant rock placed a few feet away from you with small rocks beside it to make it accessible. It had a great view of the ocean.

That's exactly where you led Mikey too.

You had her blindfolded after coming here the previous night to find the safest route. When you did you knew you could blindfold her. Mikey clung tightly to your hands as you led her up the giant rock, she was a little scared since her vision was taken and all she could hear were the waves crashing down on one another in a somewhat aggressive manner, but she trusted you more than anything. "And... we're here."

You smiled and removed the cloth covering her eyes. Mikey blinked a couple times to adjust her vision before smiling at the view before her. On cue, the sun was just beginning to set — painting the horizon sky in orange, pink, and yellow colors. The clouds had fully disappeared as the sun was halfway from disappearing beyond the ocean tide. Miley admired it as her arm instinctively wrapped around your shoulders when you stood into her side.

"Happy birthday, my love." You whispered into her bicep, clinging to her. The breeze started to kick up a little. Mikey slid her jacket off of her body and covered your shivering body with it.

"Thank you, honey." She cooed and cupped your face. "Let's get home, yeah?" You nodded in agreement.


The minute you both stepped foot in the house, the lights were immediately flickered on and all yours friends jumped out from their hiding places. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKEY!" They all cheered and your girlfriend stood there in a shock with a wide grin on her face.

"You guys did all this for me?" Mikey glanced around the room at the party decorations, alcohol and other beverages were placed on a separate table while your main one carried her favorite snacks and dishes.

"It was all Y/N's idea." Jenna winked and chuckled when Mikey jumped towards you, kissing your lips over and over again.

"IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou." She rambled out as fast as possible and cutely. She jumped away from you to play beer pong with Jenna, her excitement was through the roof and with that you knew you did well.

You accompanied her side soon after to cheer her on in beer pong and even gave her a longer, more passionate kiss from before when she won the game. Overall, Mikey had the best birthday ever.

Forgot to post this earlier buttttt happy birthday, Mikey 🤍

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