Pt. 1 The Sports Festival

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Yes, Yes I skipped some days I was lazy and had no ideas so yeah here you get A sports festival😘


Leo's POV:

"I'm so excited today!" I said as I ran to scent of pancakes, "Wow that smells nice Mikey!" Mikey raised a brow "Never seen you this excited, Is it that rabbit boy? You guys boyfriends yet?" Mikey smirked and loooked at me "N-NO! I'M JUST EXCITED FOR THE FESTIVAL! yeah the festival!" I said loudly while Donnie looks at me

"Huh to my calculations you're actually excited to see Yuichi." Donnie smirked and just got back to eating his pancakes.

I excitedly skate to school to see Yuichi, "Hopefully he is present!" I then texted Yuichi.

Hey! You coming Yuichi?

Yeah I am don't worry Leo :D!
(Cotton tail)

Alright then hurry I'm already here!

As I stopped texting, I heard running it was Yuichi! "Hey Leo! came here as quick as I can" Yuichi said as he stopped in the right time which made their faces very close, Yuichi backed up then said "Hah sorry I should practice more on stopping, but now I don't mind looking at your face closely"

Yuichi teased and just walked in giggling "I could've passed out there for a moment! Never knew he also flirts!"

I followed Yuichi and I noticed his ears weren't tied up maybe he rushed a lot and forgot it? "Hey Cotton tail I think you forgot to tie your ears up" Leo said as he looked up at his ears "Well Leo I actually didn't forget! I decided to let them go for breeze! Whatcha think do I look handsome?" Yuichi smirked and looked at the green turtle who was technically just staring at his face,

Lord he's so pretty I should really hang with him more...

Yuichi's POV:

"Well are you going to answer the question Leo?" I said as I tilt my head bit "I well- I uhm errr uhhhhh yeah you look h- I MEAN COOL" Leo laughed it off but I felt something suspicious, but scrubbed it off and walked to class with Leo while he rants about his amazing experiences.

But then Leo says something "Oh btw I think we're gonna do the sports festival in teams so hopefully we won't have to be fighting" Leo said a bit disappointed.

"Hey hey let's get our hopes up and hope we get into the same team" I said as I walked to my seat with Leo "But if we do get separated I'll make sure to not go easy on you" I smirked and laughed whilst Leo just rolled his eyes

"I'll make sure to destroy you with my charm" Leo winked trying to be all flirty

The teachers then picked each student to be in teams there are 4 teams:

Shin'nen (Belief)

Consists of smart students.

Fukushu (Revenge)

Consists of competitive people

Jonetsu (Passion)

Consists of people who are really nice and passionate with everything

Meiwaku (Annoyance)

Consists of people who are trouble makers

"Man I never knew this school knows about Japanese words" Yuichi said to leo "Yeah and I'm guessing I'll be in Meiwaku because of me being such a pain" Leo chuckled and looked at Me "You'll be in jonetsu maybe since your so passionate!" Leo smiled smugly and laughed

No ones POV:

Leo was separated from Yuichi to the Meiwaku team, well he knew since he's such a tease and a ass "ughhhhhhh boringggg" Leo mumbled to himself but then he saw a familiar orangey yellow bandana 'Is that Mikey is he in the same team as me?' He walked to the familiar color and it was Mikey! "Mikey you're a trouble maker? Huh? How I thought you were innocent?" Leo said as he crossed his arms "Well uhm I might have been the class clown in my class" Mikey said as he laughed awkwardly

"I'm proud of you bro but don't let raph know he's gonna be real madd" Leo said and he looked at the other teams and seeing usagi in the Fukushu team, WAIT USAGI'S COMPETITIVE.

Leo blushed a bit 'that makes him so much more handsome' Leo said as he started to just stare at usagi, Usagi noticed this and winked at Leo "Holy shittt" Leo blushed and just looked away looking giddy.

"Let the championship begin!" The coach said as he blew his whistle, First up it was Tug of war but bad news it was Meiwaku vs Fukushu which means Leo and usagi are fighting each other!?. The leaders of the teams were said to pick 5 people for tug of war, "Well I choose Leo, Mikey, Alex, Xander and Miyo"

The five then grouped and discussed who would be at the front and who would be at the back. They decided with Leo being at the front and Miyo at the back.

Whilst the Fukushu team picked usagi to be at the front and Donnie at the back (YES I SEE DONNIE BEING VERY COMPETITIVE).

tug of war began and the two saw each other "Well, well, well if it isn't my fav rabbit" Leo smirked "Get serious Leo I might beat you" Yuichi said in a serious-lovey tone "3... 2...1.. GO!" The coach then blew the whistle and Leo tugged the rope back really hard, Yuichi stumbled a bit but pulled back harder.

Leo then spoke through the mic he had on secretly that connected to Mikey "Mikey tell Miyo to pull back as hard as she can" Leo said in a whisper, Mikey then said "K!" Mikey told Miyo to pull really hard and then in seconds Miyo pulled really hard while Leo did the same, It successfully made the other team stumble and let Leo's team win

"YES!" Leo said as he victory danced with Mikey "You were so cool Leo! pulling back really hard at the same time with Miyo and then the Fukushu team lost!!!!"

Yuichi was a bit annoyed but it was Leo so he didn't mind for a long time "Good job stripes" Yuichi winks and walks away to his team

Leo then took a rest and saw Yuichi sitting next to him "Nice one Leo but don't think I won't beat you in the next challenge" Yuichi smirked and kissed Leo's cheek "Goodluck" He walked off with a grin 'I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT MAN OH LORD OH NOS HOW IS HE GOING TO REACT' Yuichi pranced around like a little kid thinking and thinking.


Hey! Writer here and I wanna ask if you enjoyed this or no! Cause it took some thinking and I really hope I can get many readers :D

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