Read your Bible.
You can really learn a lot from this. "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable [for something] for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;"(2 Timothy 3:16)
If you open to a part that is not meaningful to you consider skipping a chapter or two and try again or close your Bible and open it again.
(Beware Of falsely-worded Bibles. Like much of the 'New International Version', many bibles have been fabricated by the works of Satan in order to confuse you; I recommend the King James Bible, it doesn't just contain the word of God, IT IS THE WORD OF GOD!)
How to Live a Good Christian Life
Não FicçãoThis book will guide you in living a good Christian life. You will read about ways that you can grow closer to God, ways to spread the faith, and some basic morals and ethics that God wants us to live by. Read on!