⊹个White Sails个⊹

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Quackity POV:

When the king left his cabin that morning, he found that the ship was moving slowly, cutting through a heavy fog.

"Sorry, your majesty. It's thicker than soup at the moment." Puffy informed him as he approached the helm to ask about it. They were on a time limit, after all.

Quackity sighed. "Figures." He glanced at the wheel Puffy was guiding through her hands carefully. "Do you think it'll clear up anytime soon?"

"I'd say so, from the occasional sunlight breaking through. It'll be a fine day for sailing by my books -eventually. But no sailor can predict the moods of the sea." She warned, gazing out across the misty waters with the affection and reverence of a captain.

By late morning, Captain Puffy's prediction proved to be correct. The fog cleared, ruptured and dissolved by strong rays of the sun, now high in the sky.

As the horizon became visible, Quackity noticed a tiny dark shape in the distance. Just as he opened his mouth to call out, someone else interrupted with urgency.

"Your majesty!" Niki cried, hopping down from the chest she had been standing on, offering him the telescope in her hands. "It's a ship."

Quackity looked at her questioningly, taking the telescope quickly.

"I don't know if it's them." She answered, turning back to the side of the ship to peer out at it.

Quackity brought the telescope to his eye and blinked, scanning the horizon until he found it. From here, he couldn't tell much, but as they drew nearer, he could make out the colour of their flag.

"It's them." He confirmed darkly, lowering the telescope. He turned back to the ship and ran back up to the higher deck. Puffy caught his gaze and nodded, barking out orders to the crew.

Quackity looked back out the sea. They were too far apart for a direct confrontation, but Dream's ship would have seen them now. The chase would begin.

He brought the telescope up again and saw that he could make out some figures on the ship. At the forefront of it, standing smugly as if he could see Quackity peering at him, was someone familiar.

"Ugh. Colin." He spat distastefully, glaring across the water. Trust that worm to be leading their mission. It would make it all the more enjoyable to make sure they failed.


They continued to follow the other ship, trying to make up some distance between them. But Colin didn't seem to be interested in a direct confrontation -which checked out with the idea that they had a more important mission

They followed that ship for days. Across half the ocean, it seemed, until suddenly it changed course and then disappeared completely.

"They'll be headed for Carthern Cove for supplies." Captain Puffy said after Quackity woke one morning to see it gone. "Speaking of which, we'll need to be following in their example soon." She added.

And so it was decided that that would head for port. There was a slim chance that they would catch up to the other ship, but even so, they might find information that would lead them back on the trail.

Quackity had spent most of his time on the ship either working on deck or locked away in his cabin, but he hadn't slept much.

The others had noticed this, he figured. He often caught their glances of concern out of the corner of his eye, and he could only imagine the whispers of the crew.

But he didn't pay much mind to it. The one silver lining to this trip was that so far he had seen no glimpse of Wilbur. Not even a shiver.

But oddly enough, without the presence of the ghost, he felt somewhat lonelier. It was as if, as he sat in his cabin in the dark, the feeling that he was truly alone had sunk into his shoulders.

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