The end of it all.

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Quackity POV:

He stood at the docks of Forbury, looking out to sea. They'd travelled back mostly by land, and he found that he'd missed the open ocean.

Quackity turned his head slightly as someone approached to stand beside him.

"You have one more choice to make, it seems." His mother said after a moment.

He looked at her properly, seeing how her eyes still shone with power and brightness, despite her tiredness, and her age. "And what's that?" Quackity asked, almost dreading to know the answer. It was never really over.

But his mother smiled thinly at him, her eyes crinkling with fondness. "You've fought and won this war, but at what cost?" She began sadly. "Your eyes are so tired for so young a man. The burden of the crown lies heavy on your shoulders, and though I know you are capable of becoming a great king someday, I look at you -and Wilbur, and I know that it is not what you want, not yet.

Quackity's eyes widened, and he paused to let her words sink in. "But, I love my people. I can't just...relinquish my duties! I have a duty to my kingdom!" But as he said this, his eyes were on Wilbur, who was helping Puffy unload the Nevadas, and it pained him.

The Queen sighed. "Oh, Quackity, my dear son... When you were born, your father and I wished nothing more than to give you the world,"

Quackity stiffened in surprise. No one had mentioned his father since his mother's disappearance. It felt odd to remember his presence. He'd died in battle before Quackity was even 1 years old.

His mother placed a hand tenderly on his cheek. "-and now you must go and experience it. He fought so hard so that you could have that chance. You have been so strong, and so selfless, now I must insist that you make a choice in your own interests for once."

Quackity glanced at Wilbur once again, his heart aching wistfully. Hope had once again wound its way around his insides, infiltrating his mind and soul. They could take a boat, sail off into the horizon... Make that map he always dreamed of...

"But-..." He protested weakly still, facing back to his mother.

She smiled. "I still have a few years left in me to rule in your absence. Though I've been gone, I still know this kingdom in and out. I know what it's like to live amongst it."

Quackity felt tears prick his eyes and he hugged her tightly. "Thank you." He murmured.

She patted his back gently and laughed quietly. "Go on, go." She urged him. "Before I change my mind."

Quackity grinned and took off back to the street, where Wilbur was stacking barrels. He grabbed the man and kissed him fiercely on the lips, causing Wilbur to stumble slightly and laugh at him in bemusement.

"You will have to come back eventually!" His mother warned from the docks. "To take your rightful place once again."

She was right, of course. He was the only rightful heir, as Tubbo wasn't really royal.

Quackity looked over at the young boy, who had come down to meet them with the Queen, and was currently forcing Ranboo to perform magic tricks for him. It wasn't his fault who his father was, but it did mean, rather reassuringly, that he could live whatever life he wanted. He'd be happy being raised by the Queen. Lord knows, she cared for him as if she were his mother anyway.

We'll, that was just fine, Quackity thought. He'd be back. He wanted to lead his beloved kingdom. Besides, a coronation on happy terms would be nice.

He turned to Wilbur with silent questioning, and Wilbur smiled, his warm brown eyes twinkling. "I'll follow you anywhere."

Quackity gazed at him gratefully for a second, then tore his eyes away and called out to his mother in response.

"Yeah. I'll be back."


Goodbyes took less time than they expected.

Tommy was coming. Nothing either of them did could stop the kid from coming, but Wilbur was over the moon about it anyway. Quackity figured that the kid deserved it, at least.

Niki was coming too. Now that she'd discovered the world outside of the castle library, and seen things she'd only ever studied in dusty old books, she was determined to explore so much more.

Ranboo decided to stay behind. He would return to his job at the castle, and seek an ancient magician to train him.

Tubbo was staying too, of course, but Quackity had promised him that as soon as he was old enough, he could join them.

Now, he and Wilbur stood at the helm, admiring the view of their future as the boat was prepared to leave port.

"So, what next?" Wilbur asked, turning towards him expectantly.

Quackity grinned. "What was that you said about getting married?"

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