Worry for you.

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(Art by @DemonLeegon on twitter)


Tecchou leaned in onto Jouno. In concern of his bleeding. Jouno's shirt had gotten a crimson red stain and in concern Tetchou had to help him. Although, Tetchou lost his balance. The brunette fell forward onto Jounos lap. Jouno quickly felt tecchou's weight on his lap.
"Tecchou! GET OFF OF ME!"
Jouno was a little flustered, he felt his face warm up. He had to admit though, he didn't mind it, but of course he would never admit that.
"Oh, sorry Jouno, I lost my balance."
Tecchou looked at Jouno. He seemed a little more pink than usual. He would know, because tetchou always looks after Jouno. Tetchou shrugged it off. Although, it didn't stop Tetchou from the stain on Jouno's shirt. Tetchou sighed, he couldn't even get a hold of Jouno. Not when Jouno would scream his head off. He was worried for Jouno, he didn't want to loose him by any means.
"Jouno, I'll just call a nurse.."
Jouno nodded. Tetchou was relieved that Jouno didn't make a fit about that at the very least.

Tetchou walked out of the room and onto a lo my stretch of hallways, the hallways were filled with people. Mainly nurses running around and the occasional doctor.
Tetchou just needed to get ahold of one. Luckily it didn't seem too difficult. Tetchou walked over to a nurse who had a clipboard in her hand. She was standing in the middle of the hallway.
"Excuse me miss."
The woman looked up at Tetchou,
"My friend who is in one of the room is bleeding."
The nurses eyes widened, and with a concerned look on her face she asked,
"What room?"
Tetchou attempted to recall what number it was...ah! It was 15.
"It's 15, maam."
The nurse nodded and headed off into the direction of that room. Tetchou was pretty confused as to why the nurse was just standing there. Why would she just be standing there? It didn't matter, Tetchou had to go back and check up on Jouno. He still wanted to watch him. Tetchou continued to walk over to Jouno's room.
He walked in and the nurse headed out quickly. She almost ran into him. Jouno still looked fine, in both ways. Jouno still sat there. Jouno had already heard Tetchou's heartbeat.
"Jouno, are you alright?"
Jouno nodded. Tetchou was still worried.

Tetchou was about to walk closer to Jouno until someone tapped on his back. Tetchou turned around and saw a nurse.
"You need to leave sir, we need to do a quick procedure on your friend."
Tetchou eyes widened. Couldn't they just say he wasn't alright? Tetchou was visibly worried.
"It's a quick one, you can wait out here."
The brunettes head nodded. Tetchou was in slight relief. There was a bench across the room Tetchou was in. Tecchou wanted to make sure he could watch the door at least make sure it didn't fly off its hinges. Tetchou sat. He was worried for Jouno. Tetchou looked down at his hands. They had become moist and started to sweat. He was just worried for Jouno. It didn't help that more nurses rushed into his room. Tetchou felt uneasy. He, felt a little saddened. Realizing that the squad will never be the same. Fukuchi is dead, tachihara.. is, he's probably gone too. Teruko, she's probably in the meeting room. Tetchou leaned forward. Some singular ant crawled on the floor. It was alone. If ants worked together, why was this one alone? Maybe it had fell behind but Tetchou realized quickly that there wasn't any other ants around. Why did the ant keep going though? It clearly didn't have any sort of motivation to.

Tetchou sat, which to him. Didn't matter. His head was filled with Jouno. He was he had left. There wasn't any motive without him.  Tetchou's continued to stare at the floor, maybe he hoped he would see another ant. To pair up with the other. It never happened though. Tetchou's palms already have become sweaty. He felt them. He started to wonder what would happen with the hunting dogs as a whole.

Tetchou never realized that a couple hours had passed, the quick fix up on Jouno had finished and the nurses went back to attending other patents. If nobody snapped Tetchou back to reality he would continue thinking and what not. A tiny ant crawled. Seeming to follow where the other ant went an hour ago. That alone, snapped Tetchou back to reality. Tetchou got up and quickly headed to Jounos room. That's who he wanted to see. There's no point in hiding it.

Jouno sat up right. This time, he didn't have a shirt on and what covered most of his chests were bandages. One of them wrapped around his stomach, the other wrapped around his chest under his arm and around his trapezius muscle. Even though, the bandages had covered most of his bare chest, it didn't mean you still couldn't see most of it. Tetchou walked over in big relief. Jouno quickly noticed Tetchou's fast heart rate, although it was slowing down. Which, was some indicator he possibly worried. Nevertheless, Tetchou this time didn't sit on the chair, he sat on the bed. Jouno felt some weight on the bed. Quickly concluding that Tetchou had sat on the bed. The room stood still, the silence was heavy. Tetchou's  was looking at Jouno and Jouno was listening to Tetchou's heart beat.

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