Chapter 20 - Wheels Of Hope

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In the quiet stillness of the abandoned house, I awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the dusty windows. Beside me, Owen lay still, his breathing steady and even, a testament to the healing that had begun to take hold. With a sense of relief washing over me, I rose from my makeshift bed and set about the task that lay before me.

Stepping out into the cool morning air, I surveyed our surroundings, my eyes scanning the dilapidated houses that lined the desolate street. And then, nestled in the shadows of one of the nearby buildings, I spotted it—a broken-down truck, its rusted frame a testament to the passage of time.

With a surge of determination, I set to work, my hands moving with practised precision as I assessed the damage. The truck was in rough shape, but beneath its battered exterior, I sensed the potential for salvation—a chance to escape the dangers that lurked in the darkness of Cheyenne.

For hours, I toiled away, my hands blackened with grease and dirt as I worked to repair the truck's engine. With each passing moment, my confidence grew, fueled by the knowledge that this truck could be our ticket to freedom—a means to leave this forsaken city behind and forge a path to safety.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the deserted streets, I finally stepped back to admire my handiwork. The truck's engine roared to life with a triumphant roar, the sound echoing off the crumbling buildings like a clarion call to hope.

With a sense of satisfaction, I returned to the abandoned house where Owen lay, his strength slowly returning with each passing hour. With a smile on my lips, I told him of my plans—to escape Cheyenne behind and continue our journey, far from The WFG that caused me so much trouble.

And as the engine of the truck rumbled outside, a beacon of hope in the darkness, I knew that our odyssey was far from over. But with Owen by my side and the promise of a brighter future ahead, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with nothing but determination and the unwavering belief that together, we could overcome anything.

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