Chapter 16 - Echoes Of Desolation

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Navigating the abandoned streets of Cheyenne, I scanned the horizon for any sign of a medical facility. The shadows seemed to stretch endlessly, obscuring any potential landmarks in the dying light of dusk. Yet, with determination fueling my steps, I pressed on, refusing to succumb to despair.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, a glimmer of hope emerged on the horizon—a structure rising above the dilapidated skyline. Squinting against the fading light, I quickened my pace, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me.

Approaching cautiously, I confirmed my discovery—a weathered sign bearing the faded emblem of a hospital, its once bright letters now worn and barely legible. Relief washed over me as I hastened towards the entrance, eager to secure the supplies that could save Owen's life.

Pushing open the heavy doors, I entered the dimly lit interior, the air thick with the musty scent of neglect. Shadows danced along the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to shift with each passing moment. Steeling myself for the challenges ahead, I ventured further into the unknown, my senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

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