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"so that's all for today , enjoy your summer vacation" William sensei said and ended the class.

"Yayyyyyyyyy holidays " Leo said throwing papers .

" Don't be too excited when we have teachers in our home " mimosa said " you're coming this summer too right Noelle? "

Noelle: ah well vannesa said she'll plan something.

Leo : is that so , it's fine you should enjoy it with your friends too !

Nero : what are your plans Asta ?

Liebe : I'll meet my best friend!

Nero : I didn't ask you !

Yuno : well I'll be visiting my home and Asta and liebe come over to my place at this time . Do you all want to come ?

Leo : you mean in the spade Kingdom?! Wow we've never been there !

Mimosa: I don't know if our family will allow

" if it's fine I'll talk to them . Plz mimosa I want you to come " yuno said with concern.

Noelle: so does that mean it's me , Asta, liebe , Nero, mimosa, Leo and yuno total 7 of us ?

Yuno : umm yes I wanted Klaus senpai and other seniors to come but they have plans .

Noelle: I see well I need to see miss mereoleona so let's meet on the way home .

Mimosa : I'll accompany you .

Asta: ok there's a new store near I'm gonna check it .

Liebe : yeah I'll buy something for my best friend too.

Yuno : no liebe plz don't spoil her !

Nero : her ? I wonder who it is ?!

Liebe : I'm not telling you .

Noelle went to visit mereoleona

"Oh Noelle, come " mereoleona said

Noelle: ah miss mereoleona I wanted to say that I'm going on vacation with my friends. So unlike every year I can't join the vermilion family on vacation

Mereoleona: oh finally?! Your going on a outing! I'm happy go enjoy.

Noelle smiled "thank you"

Mereoleona: for what ?

Noelle: because you almost raised me in your own way , you made me strong, I almost lived 90% of the time in vermilion house which was beautiful but I really want to go out now.

"Oh is it because of that boy Asta ?" Mereoleona teased.

"Yes" Noelle blused.

Mereoleona was impressed "I see you are a lady now "

"ARE YOU GOING WITH ASTA ?!" a voice shouted it was Nozel.

Noelle: yes .

Nozel : no I won't allow it !

Noelle: actually yami san is the one to give permission since we belong to his drom .

Nozel quickly turns towards Yami: yami say that you-

"Yeah go on , you kids should enjoy yourself" yami said before Nozel could finish.

Nozel - you foreigner! Noelle I'm worried ! What if he hurt you ?!

Noelle: well his not like you .

Nozel : where is he I'll talk to him !

"His somewhere in the near store , go get him if you want " Noelle signed .

Nozel runs for it.

Mimosa : why did you said that Noelle.

Noelle: because Asta isn't someone who'll hurt rather he'll give me everything I want , and Nozel just needs to witness it , he is just concerned for me .

Yami : can't help with this siscon .

Fuegoleon : let's go check I'm worried now.

Dorothy: I wonder how will Asta kun handle him.


"This and this and this" liebe was mumbling

"Again liebe stop no more than two things , she has everything" Yuno nagged.

"Are you going to take the whole shop or what " Nero said. 

Leo - did you got what your searching for Asta ?

Asta - yeah I think I almost do .

"Got it got it " Asta said discovering a whole jar of candies.

Yuno : why this ?

Leo - Noelle like this . As a child she always fancies candies with Sparky wrappers . Especially cousin Nozel would bring plenty of these for her.

"Ow! It's for Noelle ~" yuno teased Asta .

"Yes ! I'll bring her everything she want " Asta pouted.

"Is that so ?" Nozel said from behind "as his brother I won't allow you to take her anywhere "
"Hey Nozel you're making a fuzz" fuegoleon tried to calm him down

"As all of them are going to spade Kingdom I genuinely ask for your permission plz let mimosa, Leo and Noelle go I'll take the responsibility " Yuno nodded

"You don't need to request like that your a prince " fuegoleon said "of course yours friends with accompany you "

"Take this " asta handed the candy Jar to Nozel

Nozel : what ?

Asta : I thought I'll give it to her , but after I heard I think she'll love it if you gave her this ?

Nozel : why ?

"because she's waiting for you to come up with candies. " Asta straight look into Nozel"and I can give her anything she wants "

Leo - but wait didn't you really searched for it

Asta : yes but I don't want Noelle to be just happy I want her to be the happiest version of her .

"Do you still don't trust this boy ?" Fuegoleon looked at Nozel .

For a little while Nozel looked at the jar and went outside, he saw Noelle and gave her the jar.

Dorothy: oh my did you bring candies for Noelle.

Nebra : this are her favourite nii san ! How thoughtful to you .

Noelle smiled and took it .

Nozel : are you happy?

Noelle: I'm the happiest because Asta got it for me .

Nozel's eyes widened: huh ? How did you ?

"Since the day I told him I like candies, he always came back with it , he would take his time to search for what I like , and yesterday I told him as a child I always wanted a jar full of it . Nozel promise to bring me one but at the end he never came up with one . Even today when he went to the store I knew he'll be searching it . Sure he'll like to bring it by himself but he knew that you bringing me this would heal my childhood self . He just doesn't want to make me happy but he want me to be happiest " Noelle said proudly.

Nozel smiled : let's go home .

Dorothy: Nozel are you still -

Nozel : she'll have to do a lot of packing, help her nebra ok ?

Nebra : nii san !

Nozel : I understood there's no way that boy will ever hurt you . No he'll keep you safe . Treasure him Noelle.

Noelle smiled.

Yami : I can't believe Nozel finally accepted my boy .

Fuegoleon: your boy ?!

Everyone smiled.

━━━━━━━━━━ × ━━━━━━━━━━

Black clover is not owned by me . This is just a fan fiction by me . Thank you for reading 😊❤️ .keep supporting. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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