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Dom is transmasc for this AU ok eat this up pookie wookies!!


Dom was in his usual loop: Signing contracts, talking with his agents, getting barely a big enough break to catch his breath after performing a song, and going back home exhausted. It was talking a toll on him.

Here he was, today, laying on his bed after a really long tournament he had with his brother, Valk, in the region Blackrock. Not only the cold, but also having to wear outfits that weren't specifically fit for that weather, wore both him and Valk down to the point they had to take a 1 week simply to recover.

Dom was on his phone, scrolling through Bluebird (the phighting version of twitter totally original), when he got a DM from someone. Someone familiar: Boombox! It was an invite to a sleepover!

Boomz_Beats: Hey Dom! I was wondering if you'd like to come to a sleepover, at my place. Slingshot and Skateboard are also invited, but they haven't responded yet. Tell me if you can/wanna come!

The_Only_Dom: Hmm, sure. I'll come over. I've got nothing to do, surprisingly, and I need a break from everything.

Boomz_Beats: Aight, epic! Come to my place by 7 pm. The address is __________, _____, ______. See ya!

Dom closed his phone. He got ready with nothing too extravagant: A hoodie and some sweatpants. He was going to a sleepover afterall, not a party with the Deitys. He packed some spare clothes in case anything happened, and waited till it was 6:30pm, when he got into his car and drove to Boombox's place.

Dom knocks on the door. Waiting.. He could hear a loud thud, before he saw a slightly dusty Boombox open the door.

"O-Oh. Hi Dom!" He huffed.

"Hi Boombox.. You good?" Dom was slightly concerned.

"Yeahh just... Tripped on a pair of poorly placed slippers.. My own fault. Oh, come in, come in. Don't wanna keep ya waiting at the door."

Dom walked into Boombox's apartment. He sat on his couch, as Boombox was still gathering a few things. "Sling and Skate won't be comin', its gonna be just us." Boombox sighed and dissapeared off into his kitchen, from where he returned with a plate of nicely made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and placed it on the living rooms table. (tell me yall read that one fanfic where boombox fucks a jar of grape jelly..)

"Oh. Not much of a bother." Dom grabbed one of the sandwiches and took a bite. Mm. Tastes quite good for a mere sandwich. Dom thought to himself.

Boombox and Dom decided to watch a movie, because why not. They picked a weirder one, but asked no questions.

It was tagged with comedy and romance, which Dom found weird, but didn't care. The movie began off nicely, and was actually funny in the first 30 minutes.

Halfway into the movie, a spicy scene began. Both got slightly flustered, and Dom shielded his view with his hand. "Really, Boombox? You wanna get me turned on or what?" Dom croaked. Boombox blushed. "Mm.. Maybe.."

The scene got really intense to the point both of them were getting aroused.

"Okay, let's just get over with it." Dom paused the movie and pinned Boombox down to the couch.

"Woah bro.. You sure..?" Boombox was flustered.

"Very sure."

Fast forward to both of them being naked,,

Dom positions himself on top of Boombox, grinding on his dick. "Man I can feel how wet you are.." Boombox had his hands on Dom's thighs.

After a bit more grinding and teasing, Dom positioned Boombox's dick at his entrance, and slowly let it get into his pussy. (domussy) He let out a shaky moan; It has surely been a while since he had done anything like this..

"Ngh.. Tight~" Boombox murmured.

Dom began riding Boombox, both of them moaning in pleasure. Dom could feel his head burning up, it felt so good that everytime he went up and down on that slippery dick, it sent a jolt of pleasure throughout his body. It felt like heaven.

10 minutes of riding later,,

Boombox was gripping onto Dom's thighs. "Fuck~ Is it fine if I cum in?" He was getting closer to an orgasm.

"Sure.." Dom didn't really care. It felt too good to care.

Soon enough, Boombox came inside of Dom, unleashing a pretty big load. Dom could feel the warm liquit inside of him, as the dick he was riding earlier got softer, and slipped out. Some cum dripped out of his pussy.

"I'll clean both of us up." Dom grabbed some tissues from the table, and cleaned up some spilled cum.

The two cuddled till they fell asleep on that darn couch.


ok side note my chapters are getting longer and longer lmao..

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