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To ensure a seamless experience for all our patrons, please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines on how our shop operates:

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To ensure a seamless
experience for all
our patrons, please
familiarize yourself
with the following
guidelines on how
our shop operates:

. ❥⁠﹒batch system .
Spy x Cafe operates in
batches, each containing
four slots
available for reservation.

﹒★﹒reservation ?!
patrons may reserve slots
in the current batch
for their orders or requests.
each slot is available on
a first-come, first-served basis.

. automatic unreservation﹒﹒✧
if a slot is reserved but
the corresponding form
is not filled within
forty-eight hours,
it will be automatically
unreserved to allow
other patrons the
opportunity to
place their orders.

‿⁠ exception for VCPs﹒♡
this automatic unreservation
rule does not apply to our
Very Confidential Persons (VCPs).
VIPs enjoy priority treatment
in slot reservation.

﹒୨୧﹒check the shop bio .
before placing your order or
making a reservation, please
check the status of the shop
in its bio. this will provide you
with important information
about current batch
availability and status of the shop.

. reservation process ↺ .
to reserve a slot in
the current batch,
please fill out the
order form provided
and submit it according
to the specified instructions.
be sure to include
all necessary details.

♡﹕confirmation ;
once your reservation is
confirmed, you will receive
notification of your slot

♡﹕confirmation ;once your reservation is confirmed, you will receive notification of your slot reservation

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rules & payments

next up !rules & payments👉

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spy x café  ⇆  theme shop    ✓Where stories live. Discover now