Chapter 2

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Minwoo awoke from his slumber after his fight.

"What time is it?" Minwoo rubbed his eyes as he saw his bandmates drinking and playing their instruments.

Jaewan took his cigar out then coughed before speaking

"Its fucking 10 pm i think.. Shit im so high.." Jaewan said as he continued to play on his Bass.

"Wanna join us Min? We're just discussing about some Chord progressions we can play for our new album.." Yonwoo gave Minwoo a bottle of beer.

Minwo hesitated at first but just said to his self "Fuck It" and joined them drinking and playing on their instruments.

Park Hyuk was also there guiding the band on what to play.. To give advice.. To give feedback.

"Hey Yuk.." Minwoo stopped his guitar for a sec.

"Fuck you want?"

"Do you mind if i go to the bar this time?"

"After what happened?"

"Yeah after i beated the Janitor's ass lmao.."

"Even if i say no you would still go.."

"Your right.. Im going.."

"Can i come?" Jaewan said as he continued smoking the good shit.

"Your just high Jae.." Yunwoo drank his beer.

"Its my own fucking conciousness speaking here Yunwo!"

"Manager nim?" Jaewan looked at Hyuk..

"Alright fine.. But if you guys make a scene in public i'll fucking kill all of you.."

"Yes manager-nim.." Jaewan and Minwoo replied.

"Can i also come?" Han suddenly asked.

"You dont usually go to bars.. Whats with the sudden change of behaviour?" Yonwoo looked confused.

"Because.. I want to.." Han was obviously lying.

"Its because-"

"Its because he wants to get laid by the bartender.." Minwoo interupted Han before putting the cigar back on his mouth.

"Stop making assumptions Minwoo.." Yunwoo said.

"Its true.." Han embarassingly said.


"Yunwoo you should come.." Hyuk suddenly suggested.

"Why? You hate me going to those kind of shit.."

"Its because the three are going to the bar together.. Minwoo.. AND.. JAEWAN.. You know those 2 bring trouble when there isnt someone responsible."

"His right." Minwoo put his middle finger up and laughed.

"Fine.. But only cause you said so.."

"Which bar are you even going to Min?" Hyuk asked.

"Big E's.."

"Stay safe out there.."

Hyuk left the room as everyone got prepared to change. Minwoo was wearing a black leather jacket some denim pants and some nike kicks.. Han was wearing a white tee, Brown pants and sambas.. Jaewan was so high as fuck when he went to his waredrobe so he wore a sleveless tshirt some ripped jeans and crocs.. Yunwoo wore some dad ass fit rocking with the polo.. slacks and leather shoes..

"Wtf is that fit Yun.." Minwoo looked at Yunwoo in disgust.

"Hey Jaewan is wearing some weird ass shit."

"Hey Im fucking high! Being high already means im badass!"

"I already imagine some of your fans being like hey thats the drummer for Jeongyok, WTF HIS A DAD?" Minwoo laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Min.."

"Anyways im taking my fucking motorcyle.."

"Me too!" Jaewan said.

"I guess me too.." Han took his keys out.

"Dont you have a motorcycle Yun?" Minwo looked at Yunwoo.

"I do.."

"Arent you gonna get your keys?"

"Um.. I dont know how to drive exactly.."

"WHAT REALLY?" Han was shocked to hear the older one didnt know how to drive.

"I shouldnt have said that.."

"Just hop unto mine.. Ill give you a vip seat for the Phantom Racer of Korea.." Minwoo walked to the Motorcycle and started the engine

"Phantom racer?" Yunwoo tried to remember what or who a phantom racer is.

"Isnt that a criminal who does grand theft?"



Jaewan covered Yungwoo's mouth.

You're speaking too loud again..

"Cmon Yung.. I even got a helmet for ya.."

"Fine.." Jaewan let go as he also started his motorcycle.

"Han lead the way!"

Han nodded as the three drifted to the roads of Seoul.

"Ya think going over the speedlimit will be fun, Yung?" Minwoo said through his helmet.

"The fuck you mea-" Minwoo increased his speed as he drove past the cops.. Then came Han and Jaewan following..

The cops turned on the siren, And it became a police pursuit..


"SHH.. Dont say my name out loud you dumbass! Dont worry our helmets are tinted they wont suspect a thing.."

The cops continued to pursue them as they were heading to a traffic part of the road..

"Shit how.."

"Stay quiet Yung and let me do my thing!" Min,Jae and Han somehow managed to pass through because of they're immense driving skills..

"See told ya.. We'd be fine.." The four arrived at the bar where people did not suspect a thing..

"Lets get bitches!" Minwoo raised his arms in victory as they entered the bar.

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