Chapter 6.

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A few weeks have passed and Minwoo's behaviour started to change, He was more quiet and was mostly doing things that Hyuk never expected him to do.. For example, Not go clubbing or doing problematic things.. He became a better person.

This also raised awareness to his members especially Yunwoo..

All of the members except for Minwoo was at the studio preparing for a new release.. During the time Yunwoo to spark up a conversation about their own very leader..

"The fuck happened to Min?" Yunwoo sat at the couch.

"His a total different person isnt he?" Hyuk followed.

"Thank God im not the only one who thought that.." Han also spoke.

"Our fucking own behemoth turned into a guardian angel.. Last time we were out, I suggested we go clubbing.. "He said that we had a recording tomorrow" Can you believe that?" Jaewan explained.

All of the members were in disbelief to what they just heard.

"Sorry.. What do you mean by Decline?"
Hyuk was even more shocked.

"Thats also my fucking reaction! No way he rejected that offer!"

"Isnt that a good thing?" Yunwo spoke.

"Yeah its a good thing.. Which is why its a bad thing.." Hyuk replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Minwoo has always been the most problematic of the group.. Dont you think that this sudden change has to do something with his personal life?"

"Personal life.. You mean.. He found True love?" Yunwoo chuckled at the idea and so did Jaewan and Han but Hyuk was serious.

"Im serious.. Theres no way he would change so sudden, Unless someone changed him.. And its definetely not us! For the past 3 years we've been together as a band and he has always been the fuckboy!"

"Yeah so what? Let him find his true love, Its not like its going to last.."

Hyuk was hit by that comment.

"Yeah.. Your right.."

The door suddenly opened and they saw it was Minwoo entering the studio with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Hey Sorry I'm late.."

"He said sorry?" Hyuk looked at Yunwoo.

"Its fine cmon.. We're just boutta change some stuff." Minwoo nodded and took a seat at the office chair and decided to work on a few stuff.

"Jae.. Do you mind if you change your bassline to.."

Minwoo was doing all the work making sure that this release was going to be great..

"Min.." Hyuk suddenly spoke.


"Are you okay?" Hyuk put his hand on Min's shoulder.

"Im fine.." Minwoo put his arm on top of Hyuk's hand and moved it away.

"Yeah just tell me if theres anything wrong.."

"Kay.." Minwoo nodded.

"So basically.."

Minwoo kept on working several hours just finalizing the song before they actually recorded they're new release..

By the time they were done recording, Hyuk finally broke the news to the entire band.

"That was some nice work, Today.." Hyuk clapped his hands.

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