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Hi everyone! 

If you're interested in being mentored by me, or if you want to know more about me, here we go! 

I'm Alex (yes, my full name is Alexandra, which I use professionally lol). I live in the UK,  by the sea with my husband, son and 2 black cats. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably see photos of those cats all the time lmao. 

Ever since I was small, I was brought up around stories. My grandma used to write short stories and my grandfather used to tell us verbally all sorts of stories (if you've read my memoir about my grandpa on my profile you'll know about him!) growing up, so I think it was always inevitable for me to be some sort of storyteller. 

I started writing when I was 8 years old, dabbling in little short stories - my first story was about my imaginary friends that lived in the radiator! - and from then on I just grew and grew as a storyteller. I wrote my first novel when I was 14, which I shared on writing websites Inkpop (was shut down and when that shut down I moved here to Wattpad) and a different site called Movellas. On the latter, that first novel was actually shortlisted for an award run by them and Sony, and Mallorie Blackman was a judge - yes, she read and shortlisted a story written by me! (and yes thats my claim to fame so far okay lol) 

From then, I didn't stop writing. I actually took time out to try and become a nurse, but I failed an essay at university so got kicked out... so then I decided to follow my heart and do a creative writing degree. 

After my degree, I decided to get married at 21 (most people are shocked by this, pffft lol, and to make matters worse/better, I met my husband on Tinder soooo yeah, our love is not conventional by any means, but the man is a good egg and I love him to pieces) and took some time out to get my life settled down - and my degree exhausted me creatively. I started writing again a few years later, when I started writing fiction cathartically and based a book on things I went through in real life. 

In 2020, I started writing The Burden of Us (story on my profile) which was my first dabble into contemporary romance. I LOVED it. 

Since then, I've been experimenting in writing contemporary romance but mixing it up with lots of genres and seeing what happens. So while contemporary romance is my "thing" and will always feature in my stories, you will always find something more to it. Drama by the plenty, mystery, sometimes fantasy, you never know! 

In 2022, I shortlisted for The Watty Awards with my story "My Blossoming Redemption".  I was also invited by Wattpad to be on their Creators and Paid program (I am no longer but have the experience behind me). My Blossoming Redemption also won the 2022 Ambys in the New Adult category! 

The same year, I was traditionally published for the first time! My story The Burden of Us was picked up by a small traditional press. Unfortunately, the book deal just wasn't meant to be and I ended that in 2023.

In 2023, I queried another book of mine, and somehow, I managed to get 5 requests for it. It was picked up, but the deal fell through (for a lot of reasons), and at time of writing, I'm back in the querying trenches again! 

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