▪︎ | ISNT YOUR CHOICE | Yan! Kinito x m! reader | 💔 | R! ▪︎

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The reader is male but it doesn't really matter for the plot- ALSO Kinto is going to only speak in all caps cuz I want him to

REQUESTED BY: LucyGamerEnderligth


You've known Kinito for a bit now. One day you were bored and decided to just download KinitoPET, not knowing that he would be sentient. Or obsessive- Kinito would get very angry whenever you would talk about your friends or family, telling you that you only need him and how his your best friend!

Well besides that, you were sitting at your desk talking to Kinito. As Kinito was speaking you get a text, as you looked down you remembered! Your friend was coming over!!

"Y/N? ARE YOU LISTENING...?" You look back up to your computer as you get up from your chair.

"Oh sorry Kinito! I just forgot that my friend is coming over today. I haven't seen them in so long!!" You saw excitedly, as you were looking at Kinito you swear you saw his eye twitch. He doesn't respond for a few seconds, just looking at you for a bit.

"WELL...CANT YOU JUST STAY WITH ME? IM YOUR BEST FRIEND AFTERALL!" You smile softly as you look at him.

"Kinito I know you want me to stay with you but I already have this planned! We can continue talking when they leave, also I kinda have to go, they're gomma arrive any minute know!" As you say that you hear the doorbell ring and you quickly say your goodbyes to Kinito, running over to answer the door for your friend.

You and your friend were just hanging out in your room, just catching up and talking about random stuff. After a bit you guys decided to watch a movie.

"Okay, I'll go get some snacks and you can pick out the movie!" They agree and you go to your kitchen to get some snacks and make popcorn. As you finished making/getting all the snacks you heard a scream from your room. You yelled to your friend to see if they were alright but they didn't answer. You just thought they were trying to pull a prank on you, not wanting to drop the snacks if they did jump out to scare you you decided to just go back to your room. You walk into your room and you shut the door.

Your blood runs cold as you freeze you saw a horrific sight. Your friend was on the floor. Their head bashed in brutally, you couldn't even recognize their face since now it was just a mess of brains, blood, and skull fragments. The whole room was covered in their blood and the person standing in the middle of your room just staring at them was Kinito.

"K-...Kinito..?" You say fearfully, finally you were able to move again you started to back away from him. You didn't know how Kinito was able to get out of the computer but right know you couldn't think about that, only thinking about would he did to your friend.

Kinito looks behind him, his cold, angry glare was replaced with a joyful expression. He quickly dropped the bat he had in his hand, which was yours since you had it there for protection.

"OH Y/N! IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!! I JUST GOT FINISHED...TAKING CARE OF A PROBLEM...BUT KNOW WE CAN SPEND TIME TOGETHER WITH THEM AWAY!!" He says to you happily. You couldn't hold it in any longer and you started to cry and throw up, everything was to much and you didn't know how to react to the situation. Kinito did nothing but just look at you for a bit. After you were finished vomiting he spoke.

"I GUESS WHAT I DID ISNT A PRETTY SIGHT...BUT IT WAS THE ONLY WAY!" As you cried you glared up at him, yelling at him about why he would do this, how disgusting a vile he is. Kinito was a bit taken aback, he had never seen you mad before, mad at him even. Even when he asked you to stay with him forever in the computer you weren't mad. This confused Kinito and saddened him.

"WHY ARE YOU ANGRY...? I DID THIS FOR US! THEY WERE IN THE WAY AND EVERYONE ELSE IN YOUR LIFE IS." Has he tried to explain to you you wouldn't listen, you just stayed quiet and sobbed, you didn't even have the energy to yell anymore.

"Kinito, your a sick fucking thing. I don't even know how I was friends with you." Kinito seemed to snap when you said the last part. He walked closer to you while speaking.

"Y/N...DONT YOU GET THAT YOUR MINE? NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU EXPECT ME AND...I KNOW YOU DONT WANT TO STAY WITH ME FOREVER BUT, IT REALLY ISNT YOUR CHOICE NOW." He said to you with a crazy look in his eyes. You realized what he meant and you tried to run away but he quickly stopped you.

Like Kinito said you really didn't have a choice in this.


Sorry if I got anything wrong bc I'm currently running off of 2 hours of sleep, also I'm in the car with my family so YAYYY-


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