¹⁰ aliens?

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"Who's this?" A head rested on mine. "Hey Ani," I greeted. My nickname for Jumpy was Anikin, or Ani, because he looks like an emo Hayden Christensen.

"This is Zero, he got here today. Zero, this is Jumpy, he's in A tent." Zero lifted his chin, doing that guy nod thing. Jumpy did the same and took the pool cue from my hands.

I rolled my eyes and carried on setting up the table."You're in a better mood today." He commented, chalking the cue. "No shit, Sherlock." He laughed, "Nevermind..."

"Come as you are... As you were, as I want you to be... " I mumbled. "So, how's Pincushion's face?"

Pincushion, was in A tent with Jumpy. He has piercings everywhere, hence the name. Last week one of his face piercings got infected and his nose swelled up.

"He's still puffy, and it keeps leaking." The tall boy gagged. "Gross. Lucky bastard missed a day of digging though."

Ani and Zero played a few games of pool, and I took a couple of Ani's turns until it was time for bed. We all made our way back to the tents and Zero followed me to my cot and placed himself at the end of it.

"What is this place?" He asked quietly. We were the first in the tent so he must've been comfortable talking. "Some kind of work camp I reckon.. we're digging to build character, Mr Sir says, but I think it might be a bit more than that." I shrugged.

"The digging is difficult, it seems easy but I've been aching for the past month." I told him
Zero nodded his head, his hair bouncing, he then stood up and lay in his own bed, the other boys beginning to enter.

"Man, ain't no way aliens are real!" Armpit exclaimed, dropping onto Magnets bed. "What? Are you kidding? Of course they are!" I insisted. "It's stupid to think humans are the only living things in the universe!"

"Excatlyy!" Magnet agreed. "They aren't real! They can't be." X-ray chimed in. I glared at him.
"Are you stupid? I mean, obviously we all know you are, but what planet are you on?!" I scoffed.

"One without aliens." He smirked. Beside me the bed dipped, Squid had made himself at ease beside me. I ignored his snickers and carried on debating with them.

"Look, I'm not saying that there's like, little green men with massive heads and shit, but there's definitely some kind of other thing out there." I defended and Armpit sighed, "No there isn't! You can't prove it."

"You can't prove there isn't." I rolled my eyes.
"Man, this is all Zigs' fault!" Barfbag announced. "He brought it up to begin with, and now he isn't even talking."

I stared at the blonde boy and he sniggered, his eyes wide. I laughed at him and so did the others. "You're such a shit stirrer." I shook my head and leaned against Squid's shoulder.

The next morning the alarm blasted through camp as usual. I rolled out of bed pushing Squid off of me and stumbled over to Zero. "Hey, you've gotta wake up buddy." I shook his shoulder lightly and he nodded, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on guys! Up and at 'em!" I heard Mom yell. Rolling up my jumpsuit legs I whispered to Squid. "I swear, someones going to bury him alive one of these days.."

The brown eyed boy chuckled and crouched in front of me lifted my foot and tying my boot laces. I said thank you and we all headed to the 'library'.

Zero adjusted to camp quickly, he woke up almost immediately, didn't complain about the food or the blistering heat or his blistering hands.

"How was your first hole?" I asked him plopping down on my cot. He was the first one finished digging, ages before I was. "Alright." He replied simply. "My hands kinda hurt though.."

I nodded. "Yeah, they will. You'll get gloves eventually though. You finished really fast today, you're definitely the fastest at digging in the whole camp." I told him.

"Cool." He took a sip of water. "Wanna play a game of pool before everyone gets back?" He smiled. "Duh! Let's go."

"Oh shit, it's the bus again!" I tapped the small boy on the arm. "What? where? Oh." One of the E tent counsellor, Mr P, was leading a girl out of Mr Sir's office. She was average height with long brown hair in a ponytail. She was still in her regular clothes and wore spider necklace and earrings.

She did not look happy at all, not that I blame her... "She's pretty," I said walking past the yellow bus. "Sure." Zero agreed.

(writer speaks!:

hey! I'm sorry this has taken a while to write and that it's so short but I've got a bit of writers block atm 😔 I didn't have a clue where this chapter was going but ! new character alert. What do you guys think she'll be like ? Because I have an idea in mind but idk yet..

anyways thank you all so so so so so much for voting and commenting, I love talking to you all ! And omfg 1k reads is actually wild, I was in shock. I never ever expected like any reads and I am eternally grateful you guys !!
Thank you all sm ! 🩷🩷 Happy Late Easter, stay safe, keep hydrated and I love you..

-Lils xx )

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